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It happened in one second. BANG. Hope fell hopelessly to the floor. Karma got held back. Jin started screaming. Joon watched, emotionless. Yoongi fell to the floor. Along with Jimin. Hobi stared while hugging Anni who was screaming and crying.

"NO!" Peace Screamed. As she screamed she got shot. The girl guard shot her from behind. Peace fell slowly to the floor with a loud thud. Loads of blood splattered everywhere. Jimin threw up. Everyone looked.

Tae had ran in front of Jae. He got shot. But the worst part was, Jae got shot as well. He was the reason Peace screamed. Tae and Jae both fell to the floor. Screams was all that could be heard.

"JAE! TAE!" Anni screamed running over to them, she realized they were... "THEY'RE DEAD!" Anni Screamed. Hope cried even more. Tae was laying beside Jae, lifeless.

"Why?!" Jimin Cried running over. Everyone did. The girl guard ran to the door.

"Say your last goodbyes, and be quick. I'm not staying here long." She said to them. She looked outside. "Fuck! Boss died so...The gates are open! There's a horde of zombies!" The girl explained. Nobody listened. They were busy crying to their best friends death. Hope gently put Jae beside Tae. "At least they died together. And Jae didn't have to turn." Hope mumbled. Everyone nodded, and cried.

"Come on. Hurry up. There's a van out back. We can get some guns before we go. Be thankful. This doesn't happen often." The girl said unlocking the door and running. Hope grabbed a gun on the floor and shot Peace right in the head. "fuck." Hope shot again. "YOU!" Hope shot. Karma ran over and kicked Peace. "Let's go Hope." Karma said to her, tears rolling down her cheeks. They followed everyone else.


Now all that could be heard was the screaming of people, trucks driving away, and kids crying. Everybody was either driving, getting eaten, or running. The unknown girl ran downstairs, the place was massive. She got some keys and opened this massive truck.

"Grab all you can." She explained. Everyone grabbed some food and guns. And a some warm clothing for future days. They all jumped in. She started driving. As that happened the person that brought Jimin into the room came. "Take me please!" The unknown girl stuck her middle finger up at him. "Fuck you!" She said before driving. Everyone looked at her, wide eyes.


Hope was looking out the window. She wanted to help so badly but she couldn't. She was sitting in the back. So if she wanted she could open the back door and jump out. There was a window in the back so Hope could see. There was a woman running. She ran but ran back to a spot. Hope saw. She had dropped her baby and a zombie was coming towards it. Hope saw the mother getting attacked. She couldn't help it. She jumped out of the truck while she was driving.

"HOPE!" They Screamed.
"ILL FIND YOU GUYS!" Hope Screamed. The girl driving didn't stop. She kept driving. Karma started crying. Yoongi did too. They drove off.

Hope ran towards the baby. She picked the baby up. It was a girl. Hope grabbed her gun and shot the zombies that tried getting the mother.

"Take my child, please." The mother cried, showing her bite. "Please." Hope nodded, she grabbed the baby. There was zombies everywhere. As Hope ran to the entrance, she saw people getting attacked. She shot some of the zombies, saving the people from death. They started running. Hope ran out of the place. The zombies were all inside the place.

Hope cried silently to herself, holding the baby.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin