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Angie was put into the opposite cell as Hope and Hobi. Hobi and Hope were put into the cell with Karma Joon And the others, and Angie was put into the cell with Tae and the rest.

"Stay here for a bit, when we find out what to do with you we'll be back." The man said before banging the cell door shut. He forgot to tie them up in the chains. Angie reacted fast trying to get everyone in her cell's chains off. She managed to get Tae's chains so he went to do
Luna. Everyone in the cell soon got out. Hope started looking at everyone and gasped. She followed what Angie was doing.

"Karma! What happened?!" Hope gasped while tugging at Karma's chains.
"We were all in the shop and then they came." Karma replied as Hope broke her chain. Karma and Hope helped everyone else.

Everyone was out of their chains. They all sat down and took a minute to comprehend what had happened. They all put their eyes on Angie, except Hobi and Hope.

"So..Who's this?" Jin asked.
"My name is Angie. And it's your fault I'm here right now." Angie mumbled.
"The hell, how is it our fault? We just met you." Karma said.
Angie pointed at Hope and Hobi. "Not them though." Everyone's eyes moved to them. Hope sighed.
"While trying to find a truck or car of some kind, we found Angie. She basically helped us. She had a truck. But when we came back to the shop you guys were gone and we got taken away and..Yeah." Hope explained. Everyone nodded. Soon a man came in.

"Hello, Angie. How are you?" The man asked her. Angie looked at the ground. "Did you go mute or something?"
"No." Angie spoke. The man smiled. "Good. Your coming with me." The man opened the cell and grabbed Angie before locking the cell again. Hope sat up shouting for Angie.

~With Angie~

Angie was pushed into a room. She sat up.
Suddenly the intercom came on.
"Angie. Why did you leave? Give me the straight reply or one of your friends will die." Angie looked at the intercom as it kept repeating itself.
"This isn't like a fucking escape death room!" Angie screamed at the intercom. The intercom suddenly stopped. She looked over at the corner and there was a piece of paper and a box. It read
"Write down why you left and put it in the box to your left."
Angie looked down at the paper. She picked up a pen and looked at the paper. She hesitated before she started writing. She dropped the paper into the box. Suddenly there was loads of noises. Angie stepped back. The machine stopped. There was a desk. It had a picture..Of a boy.

"K-K"Angie stuttered. It had her note beside the picture of a boy. Angie started crying before the man came in.

"Well done." He said before grabbing Angie and bringing her back to the cell.

He brought Angie into the cell area. Everyone jumped up. Angie was pushed into her cell. He walked away. Angie wiped her tears.

"Angie, is it? What happened?" Luna asked.
"They want us to admit something." Angie told them. "Last time I was here...They were planning that."
"You were here before?" Namjoon asked. Angie realized what she had said. She sighed.
"Yes. I was here before. I left as soon as I found out about their plans." Angie looked down.
"So...What do you mean when you say they want us to admit something?" Jimin Asked.
"Something we did, and it's something bad that we did. If we don't..." Angie's voice trailed off.
"If we don't what?" Hope asked.
"If we don't...They will kill all of you. Or one. Depends." Angie said. Everyone looked at eachother.
"Is there a way we can escape?!" Karma Asked.
"Not that I know of. Last time I was here I was a citizen. I was asking the owner of the place about if we could go out sometime. I wanted to find...Someone." Angie explained. "But that's when..I found out about their plans."
"There has to be a way." Jin Mumbled.
"We won't know until we try." Hobi said, finally speaking.
As that happened somebody walked in.

"Who's next?" They Asked.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now