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Everybody exited the apartment. They walked down the corridor to the stairs slowly. There was no noise at all. Except the beating of everyones hearts going boom boom. They got to the door. But realized there was a load of dead people outside.

"Me Joon and Jimin will get the ones at the left. Everyone else go right." Yoongi said reloading his gun. They nodded and ran outside. Slash. BANG.

The zombies were killed. Jimin Spotted something and walked over to It.

"Guys!" Jimin Shouted!
"Shut up Jimin!" Jin hissed.
"The truck!" Jimin explained. Karma remembered. She looked at Jimin again and saw a zombie.
"JIMIN!" She screamed. She grabbed Yoongi's gun and shot. BANG! The bullet went right through Jimin's arm and into the zombies head. He fell to the ground. Karma screamed. They all ran over to him. Karma kneeled down beside Jimin.

"I'm so sorry Jimin please be okay." Karma begged. Karma looked up at Yoongi.
"Here." She said reaching for her pocket and throwing keys at him. He nodded and opened the door to the truck quickly. They put Jimin into the back. Everyone got into the truck. They drove off.


Hope drove up slowly beside the boys house. It was half destroyed, half not. She stopped and watched the house. I know, I know. That may sound weird. Hope looked at Blake who had woke up.

"Do you sleep all day or." Hope asked. Blake rolled his eyes.
"I ran for a whole day, give me a break." He replied, looking at the house. "Woah." Hope chuckled.
"It's my friends. I was separated from them." Hope explained. Blake nodded.
"Are we going in or..?" Blake asked. Hope nodded.
"Stay here, I'm going in." Hope got out of the car and slowly went up to the house. It was unlocked so she opened it. Click! She walked slowly. Looking around. The house was massive. She looked in the kitchen and saw a zombie. She gasped and shot.

"Shit!" She hissed. "Jin wouldn't be happy." She looked in the living room, It was fine. She slowly went upstairs. She entered a room. It was Hoseoks. She put her gun down and looked around. She wanted to cry. It was filled with pictures of him and the boys. Hope exited the room. She found Joon and Jins room too. She then found Tae's room and Jimins. She found Kookie's, but didn't dare look into his room. For some reason, she felt like it was an Invasion of privacy. As she walked to the next room she realized. It was Yoongi's. She looked down. She entered and saw a zombie. She screamed and shot. She watched the creature slowly fall to the floor. She kicked it to the side and looked around. There was a lot of equipment, for music. She smiled but then heard some gun shots.


Hope jumped. She ran down the stairs and ran outside. She saw Blake in the back with Raven. Covering her ears from the gunshots. Hope ran to the car.

"Come on! We're going inside." Hope said grabbing Raven's seat. Blake opened the back of the car and got the bags. Hope gave Blake a Ravens and he ran inside. Hope parked the car somewhere so nobody could take it. She ran inside.


They had drove a bit. Jin was tried stopping the blood coming from Jimins arm. It sort of helped. Yoongi drove.

"Is he okay?" Anni Asked.
"He's worse than before. I need to get this bullet out of his arm before I can help him some more." Jin explained.
"I can do that." Anni said. Jin looked at her.
"You can?" Jin asked hopeful. Anni nodded.
"When we get to shelter Anni can help." Joon said. Anni nodded. Karma was looking at Jimin.

"I'm so sorry please be okay. Jin will he be okay?!" Karma Asked.
"I don't know yet." Jin replied Quietly. Karma looked down.

She felt like she had done something wrong. And she had.

~The Zombie Apocalypse~ BTS ff.Where stories live. Discover now