Part 2 : Squads?

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#Hiya, hope you guys are having a great day/night.

Thanks for reading this.

Still editing...



'I'm so hyped right now! I hope we can pick our own teammates. What do you think?' Miya said enthusiastically.

I smirked, 'Oh I don't know, but I know who you want to be with on the same team.' Her cheeks became crimson.

'I-I don't know w-what you're talking about-', she stammered.

'You don't? I meant Al-', she covered my mouth with her palm.

She shushed me. 'He might hear.' she panicked. I snickered.

'Oh come on, don't be so paranoid. He's not even near-'

'Hey.' said I heard Alucard say. I turned and saw him with Zilong, Gusion, Martis, Clint and Layla. Miya glared at me, but she was also panicking. 'Miya, what's wrong?' he asked, noticing her flustered face.

'Uh, um, n-nothing. I'm fine.' I tried suppressing my giggles. She shot me a 'You're dead later' look. I put on my innocent face and shrugged.

'Okay guys, we gotta go to the arena now. We're late as it is.' Zilong mentioned.

'I'll catch up later, I need to find Selena and Karina.' said Martis, which earned 'oohs' and giggles. He rolled his eyes and said, ' I already told you. We're just friends. It's not like we're dating or anything.'

'Yet.' said Zilong, and fist bumped with Clint. Martis pretended not to hear the last part and walked away.

We continued walking and talking about this new squad formation and some theories about it.

Well, everyone except Gusion.

What is wrong with this boy?

I'm happy he isn't annoying me like the other day. I was trying to engage in their conversation but my focus kept drifting to a certain someone.


I really don't like this.


I kept looking at this girl here who seems oblivious that I exist.

More like pretending I don't exist.

Well, if she's gonna treat me this way, then she's gonna get some payback. I'm gonna do everything she doesn't like. I smiled at this idea.

Top student, huh?

We'll see about that.

We made it into the arena, and it was huge. Then, Kaja, our principal began speaking.

'Okay, settle down everybody.' The whole arena became silent. 'As you may have heard, this year you all are going to be separated into groups of five which are already chosen by us teachers.'

Then, a lot of 'Oh man's and 'Aww's were heard.

'Now, we'll have none of that. I want you to work together with your squad. Under no circumstances are you allowed to switch places with anyone else. Understand?'

A few yesses and grunts. I spotted Martis, Selena and Karina sneaking in. Somehow they managed to pull it off without getting caught.

'Each squad will have a leader who will be responsible for their team. Now, I'm going to call out some names, the leaders' name will be called out first.'

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