Part 7 : New Discovery

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#Chapter 7 out!!

I actually have a vision on where this story is going to go, all I have to do is type XD.

Anyways enjoy!



I was about to take a shot when it said-

'Please don't kill me!'

'Mr. Diggie? What are you doing here?' Gusion asked.

'This is my special place. What are you both doing here? How did you find this place?'

'We found it by accident.' He said.

'You mean by nosing around behind the counter?' Mr. Diggie asked.

'We were looking for some books, actually. We need your help.'

'Ms. Vance, there are about one million books in this library, and you can't find a book regarding what you need?'

'Actually, there were plenty, but they weren't really helpful. They kept saying the same facts we know about them.' I explained.

'Wait, them? Exactly who are we talking about here?'

'Mr. Diggie, if we tell you, will you please keep this a secret? Because our lives will be in danger if the whole school knows. It'll become a chaotic mess.' Gusion told him.

Mr. Diggie's eyes grew wide. 'Okay, I will keep the secret, but I won't make any promises.'

'Okay Les, go ahead.' Gusion signaled me.

'Mr. Diggie, there he been a rumour that there is a Shapeshifter in the school. We were-'

'A Shapeshifter?' He asked, shocked.

'Yes. We were assigned to keep an eye out for the whole school, so we are looking for books about them, but most books in the library are mentioning the things we already know.'

'Shapeshifters are dangerously manipulative. How do you I'm not one?'

'We don't. We're just hoping you could help.' Gusion stated.

'Hmm, maybe I can. You see this stash of books here?' He pointed to the shelves behind him. 'The are ancient books from a long time ago. I keep them safe here, because they're too precious and contain too much information that might be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands.'

He continued. 'So, I'm trusting you, Mr. Paxley and Ms. Vance. Don't let anyone else know of this spot. Please.'

'We promise.' I said as Gusion nodded.

'Thank you. As a sign of gratitude-' He turned and took a huge book with brown leather skin which was tearing away. Dust flew into my face as he placed the book down on the table. I coughed, waving the dust off. '-I will lend you this book, I hope it'll contain all you need. I'm not going to give a time limit, so take care of this book.'

'This book is one of the best, as it has no copies and it is handwritten by an unknown author. It shows you all you want to know and it was written as a first person view. But remember this, this book is one of a kind. You can only read one page each day. Only one. Good luck with this, you two.'

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