Part 13 : On Our Way

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I walked up to her and punched her. Hard. I heard the satisfying crunch when my fist came in contact with her nose. She held it and staggered back.

'I won't let you touch him.' I growled.

'Or, I have a better idea. You just wait girl, I will make sure you regret doing this to me. You'll know soon.'

'How dare yo-' Gusion started, walking towards her.

She smirked and just disappeared. I suddenly realised what I did.

'Oh no. What have I done? If Harley is still alive now, I'm pretty sure he won't be after this. Oh no. No, no, no, this is all my fault!'

'Lesley, think straight. Something about this doesn't seem right at all.'

'What do you mean?'

'First, I thought my father kidnapped Harley because he wanted to seek revenge. Now, it seems like there's more to the problem than I actually thought. All this started way back when your father died, when-'

'When we haven't even met yet.' I finished, then paused. 'You're right, Gusion.'

He nodded. 'Why though? For what?'

'Maybe they targeted him a long time ago?'

'Why do you think so?'

"I'm not sure. We need to find out.'

'Yeah, I know. But how?'

'We find Lunox.'


'What happened to Moskov, Alice and Vexana?' Fanny asked Kaja.

'Let's just say they're spending their time in their prison.' Kaja smirked.

We laughed. Strange, because in a few hours, we'd be risking our lives outside these school walls.

'Today, you will practice as hard as you can, as this is the last one. We can't waste anymore time.' Kaja said.

We practiced, we worked together, we strategized, we organized. All together, I'd say we're an awesome team.

'We have a problem.' Kaja said. 'You have really good skills, but you still need a tank and a support. Is there anyone else of your acquaintance that can help?'

'How about Angela and Lolita?' I asked Gusion.

He shrugged. 'You trust them?'

'I hardly know them.'

'Me neither.'

'They're okay', actually. I talked to them, and they seemed really sweet.' Freya said.

'So, Angela and Lolita it is.' Gusion confirmed.

'I'll go get them.' Freya volunteered.

'I'll go with you. I need to explain.' Gusion said, and they both left.

Kaja told the rest of us to continue with our practice. I mentally groaned. And it's barely noon.

Angela and Lolita walked in, looking a little overwhelmed. Somehow, training with them made the strategizing easier.

It was nearly seven when Kaja told us to get to our dorms.

I was very tired, my muscles sore. I looked to see how Gusion was doing. He stood there with his arms crossed, looking like he'd been resting all day. But I know for a fact that he practiced the hardest among us.

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