Part 10 : All In This

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It's the first morning after Harley was kidnapped. I hardly slept, mostly spent the night crying. Somehow, sleep took me away, but this morning, I felt an excruciating ache in my heart. A part of me just got ripped away.

Will I ever see you again, Harley?

I failed. I failed miserably. I couldn't keep in the tears every time I imagine this small boy running to me and hugging me, complaining when I didn't see him for a day. What reason did I give?

I was too tired.

I felt like dying. I'm already half dead. I hardly talked to anybody today. When I got to Assassin Studies class, Gusion was already there. He looked pale and worn out.

Guess we're feeling mutual. To be honest, I was happy that Gusion wanted to kill his father. I would have done it anyways.

I took a seat beside him. He didn't say a word. He didn't even look at me. That hurt, for some reason.

We sat there like that, for about 5 minutes when Gusion suddenly took my hand. It made me jump.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered, close to tears. I could feel that his heart was as damaged as mine. I began to tear up, leaning into his chest, where he held me. I began to sob. I could tell he was crying too.

'Guys?' I looked up to see Fanny and Saber. As soon as Fanny saw my state, she immediately came over to me and hugged me. Gusion wiped his tears with the back of his hand. Then, Fanny gave him a hug too.

'You guys will be alright. Don't worry.' She assured.


After class, we went to Kaja's office to meet up about this situation. We knocked on his door, and Mr. Gord answered.

'We're here to see Professor Kaja.' Gusion stated.

'Who's at the door, Gord?' A voice boomed from inside.

'Mr. Gusion Paxley and Ms. Lesley Vance, sir.'

'Let them in.' Kaja said. 'Will you please give us a moment, Gord? Thank you.'

Mr. Gord nodded and left the room.

I was about to say something when Kaja suddenly said, 'I know why you're here. Your brother, am I right? Kidnapped by that Paxley.'

How did he know?

I nodded slowly. Gusion hung his head.

'I know we're teachers, and we're supposed to call you formally. But is it okay for me to call you by your first names? I think it makes this young man here uncomfortable.'

Again, we just nodded.

'Your father is doing a grave mistake by collaborating with the Dark Abyss. And in this matter, his sons are helping him.'

Gusion glared at Kaja. Kaja laughed noticing his reaction.

'I could tell you're the stubborn one. Playing against the family believes and rules, gives you the potential to be one of the greatest heroes. You are brave, my boy. You have a strong heart. All you have to do is stop doubting yourself.' Gusion's eyes grew wide when Kaja said that.

'You, my dear girl, you don't know your own strength. You have no idea how dangerous you can be. You don't know your skills.' He said. He continued, 'Which is why I'm going to prepare you personally.'

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