Part 20 : Unwanted reunion

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# I think the picture above says a lot. #


'I thought Kaja said they were in jail?' Gusion said.

'I thought so too. They must have gotten out.'

'Come on, we need to find the others.'

We ran around, trying to gather everybody.

'Guys, what's going on?' Karina asked. Selena and Martis were by her side.

'Alice and Vexana. They escaped somehow. We need to find the rest.' I said.

'Lesley!' Harley yelled.

'Harley! Who's with you? Get them here now.' I called back. He came with Harith, Nana, and Gwen.

In a distance, I spotted something glowing. Miya's bow.

'Miya! Fanny! Over here.' I tried not to shout too loud because I didn't want to catch their attention. They ran towards us, Alucard, Saber and Zilong by their sides.

Just then, it began raining.

'Oh no. This is bad. The rain makes it harder for me to fire a good shot.' I groaned.

'Help!' I heard someone yell.

'Was that Ms. Natalia?' Saber asked.

'Yeah, I think so. Let's go and see.' Alucard said, and Saber followed him. A little while later, they both appeared with Ms. Natalia, Angela, Lolita and Freya.

'Is everyone here? We need to find shelter somewhere else. It's not safe here.' Zilong said.

'Wait, where's Claude?' Harith asked. 'Oh no.'

'We need to find him!' Gusion said.

'Yeah, but how? The rain is too noisy and it's getting late.' Fanny said.

Then, I heard something. 'Wait.' I held out a palm. I saw something moving towards us in a distance. 'Dexter?'

The monkey came to us. He didn't look very happy.

'Dexter, what's wrong?' Nana asked. He made sounds then took out the crystal Claude stole.

'Claude?' I asked Dexter. 'Can you take us to Claude?'

He made more noises. I sighed. I wished I understood him.

'He said Claude told him not to bring us to where he is.' Harith said.

Nana nodded. 'He said it's too dangerous.'

'What? And just let him die? No way! Take us to him, Dexter.' Gusion said.

'What about this?' Harith asked, pointing at the crystal.

Gusion thought for a while. 'I have an idea.'

We walked towards the place where I spotted those two. It was still raining heavily. We were all soaking wet. I longed for a hot cup of cocoa and to wrap myself up in a blanket.

I held on to my rifle and stayed close to my friends. Gusion led us in front, his dagger glowing menacingly. I noticed that the dagger's brightness is connected to him emotionally. Right now, he was angry.

'Where is it?' I heard someone say furiously.

'Vexana.' I spit with a voice laced with venom. 'What do you want?'

'As if you don't know. Where is the Jade Path Crystal?'

'I have no idea what you're talking about.'

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