Part 9 : More Than Just Two

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First Gusion, now Harley? I'm terrified that something might happen to either of them.

'Did you catch their face?' Gusion asked Harley.

'I already told you, it was dark, I couldn't see.' Harley held out his palms.

I sighed. We're both back to square one.

'I only heard the voice.' He suddenly continued.

'Wait, what?' Gusion sat up. 'Did it sound familiar?'

Harley shook his head. 'But it sounded like a female.'

'We have to find out who it is.' I said.

'Gusion, Lesley, what's going on?'

'It's nothing, Harley. Sorry for asking so many questions on you.'

'Nothing? It's nothing? Les, there is obviously something going on and you're hiding it from me. You keep hiding things from me, sis, thinking that it'll keep me safe.'

'Truth is, you're just keeping me in the dark.' Harley said, and pain could be heard in his voice. 'I'm not a child anymore.' He said quietly.

I sighed, my heart breaking when I heard what he said. 'It's true, Harley. I haven't been fair to you. I just keep forgetting that you're old enough to take care of yourself.' Tears started brimming in my eyes. 'I'm sorry, Harley. I'm so sorry.' I kneeled down to the floor.

I felt him hug me. 'I love you, Lesley.'

I hugged him back, lightly weeping on his shoulder. 'I love you too. Come, I'll explain everything.'


Harley nodded, showing that he understood.

'Okay, I'll help the best I can. If I hear the voice again, I'll let you guys know.'

'Thanks, little bro.' Gusion smiled at him.

'I'm proud of you, Harley.' I said.

'You know what that means, little bro?' Gusion asked, grinning. 'It means you come with us after school to study the book. If you want.'

'Really?' Harley asked, clearly excited with this offer. 'Of course I want to!'

He smiled at Harley. 'Nice that we're more than just two in this. See you tomorrow.' Gusion said, and left the room. I hugged Harley and left his room, closing the door.

'Hey.' I said.


'That was nice of you to let him study with us.'

He grinned. 'Yeah, I have a feeling we need him. Plus,-' He lowered his voice. '-it'll be easier to keep an eye on him, for safety.'

'Wow, that's actually clever.'

'I'm smart, I know.'


'What? No! All the time.' He smirked. I rolled my eyes.


Lesley and I were talking and teasing each other when the front door opened, and the girl with long white hair, who was talking with Alucard the other day, walked in.

'Les, I need to talk to you.' She said. 'O-Oh, I didn't see you there, Gusion.' She smiled.

Why do people I don't know, know me?

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