Part 4 : A Haunting Past

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#This is the fourth one.

I hope you guys like the story so far, and I have lots planned ahead for this story...



'Talk to me.'

I looked at her. I hesitated, then said, 'It's because of my dad. I mean, it reminds me of him.'

'Oh.' She said. 'Did something happen to him, or something?'

I huffed. 'No, not really.'

'Then what's the matter?'

'Because he hates me.'

She looked amused. I couldn't blame her, I mean, which dad hates their child?

Mine, of course.

'Why?' She asked. 'Any reason?'

I can't believe that I'm gonna tell her this. My horrific past, one I kept a secret for so long, not wanting anyone to know. No one but Alucard knows about this, only because he asked me the other night. But something's making me feel like I badly wanted her to know about this. I badly wanted her to know me.

I took a deep breath and started. 'Well, my family, the Paxleys are known as the most prestigious family in the Land of Dawn. Everybody in my family must be a mage, so at a young age, we were taught magic with books and stuff. I didn't like it. I found interest in daggers, but my family thinks those who use weapons are stupid or something.' Her eyes widened. I noticed and quickly added,'Oh no, no! Not me, Lesley. My family did. N-No offense.' She nodded and gestured me to go on.

'So, I tried combining the light magic I learnt with my daggers. They told me to forget it, but me being stubborn, obviously refused. I didn't like the way they pushed me, so I purposely went against everything they said.' 


I sat here, listening to this boy talking about his past, about where he came from and how he grew up. To be honest, I was really intrigued with his story, I don't know why. I just hope I'm not forcing him to say this.

For once, I liked that he was a rebel, the way he rebelled with his family. So strong and stubborn.

And cute.

I shook my head at that thought. He was telling his story, completely unaware with what's going on in my head.

'So then, I was supposed to fight this dude to prove myself.' He uttered.

I got excited. 'Tell me. Please tell me that you bea-.'

'Finished him before he could even start.' A grin formed on his face.

'Really? How?' I asked curiously. He got up, and helped me stand up. 'What are yo-'

'Just come over here.' He made me stand at the end near a wall. What is he doing? Then, he stood in front of me, and looked at me. I noticed his eyes all of a sudden. They were so pale blue that they almost looked silver.


Abruptly, I realised he was standing so close to me.

Too close.

'Watch.' He said. Okay, watch what? I am watching his face, since he was so close to me. In an instant, he was at the other end of the corridor.

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