Part 11 : Getting Ready

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'Train for what?' Lesley asked.

'You'll know soon, my girl. You all go to classes, all you think is about passing your exams. This year, you have to battle each other. It's to prepare you for the problems you might face in the future. In your case, you might have to be ready earlier than the others.'

'You mean, we have to learn to fight?' Zilong asked.

'Not fight, more like self defense. You all are playing an important role in everyone's life. Each one of you is as crucial as the person next to you. I'm going to teach all of you how to wield the weapon of your choice.'

'We get to choose our own?' Miya asked.

'Yes, you do. But the weapon determines your role. I think Gusion and Lesley already have their weapon.' Kaja smiled.

'Yup.' I said, taking my dagger out, and it glowed proudly.

'Wow, that looks beautiful.' Fanny said admiringly. They all awed at its beauty. I smiled.

'How about yours, Les?' I asked.

'Oh, right.' Lesley took out her sniper from her jacket. In return, I heard multiple gasps which made Lesley grin.

'What the-?' Saber asked, shocked. 'Have you been carrying that all along?'

'Yeah, pretty much.' Lesley shrugged.

'Okay, now for the rest of you.' Kaja said. 'I want to know what your ambitions are. Your dreams. How do you plan on dealing damage to your enemies. You go first, Miya.'

'Um, okay. I always wanted to be someone dangerous, even from afar. That's why I took Marksmen class. But sadly, I don't know my weapon yet.'

'Well then, if that's the case, can I gift you something?' Kaja asked. She nodded.

Kaja held out both of his hands. Nothing happened for a while, then a blue light glowed brightly in front of us, almost blinding me. After the light died down, a beautiful bow rested on his hands. We were stricken by its beauty.

'Here.' Kaja handed it over to Miya.

'W-Wait, that's for me?'

'Yes dear. My gift for you.'

'Thank you!' Miya said happily, looking at her precious gift.

'Now, for Alucard. I can see that you have vengeance against those that killed your parents.' Kaja said.

All of us turned to him. His folded his hands into fists. I could feel his anger, and it was a bit terrifying.

'But you couldn't defeat them.' Kaja continued. He's making things worse. 'So, allow me to gift you this.'

He walked towards Alucard and gave him a sword that had patterns on it.

'Now, whenever you feel anything threatening to you, you will be unkillable with your sword which will sustain your life, giving you lifesteal. Although, you will grow tired when you run out of steam.'

We all gasped. That gift was huge, almost as if granting immortality.

'Thanks Kaja. I don't know what else to say.'

'You don't have to say anything, my boy. Just do your part.' He smiled. 'Next will be Fanny. I think you have a dream that you just couldn't achieve.'

'Well, yes. My dream is a bit silly, but I always wanted to fly. I can only move stealthily fast around school.'

Kaja laughed heartily. 'My dear girl, I'm sorry to say this, but I can't make you fly.' Fanny's shoulders sunk. 'But, there is something I can give you that's close to flying.'

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