Part 8 : Blank Pages

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#Honestly, I'm not really good with intros, but I hope you're having a great day.

Anyways, here's chapter 8




This cannot be happening. No, not to Harley. This is bad. I need to let Lesley know about this.

'Wow, Gusion. That looks awesome.' Harley said, looking at my dagger. 'Can I hold it?'

'Of course. But careful, it's sharp. Your sister will kill me if you hurt yourself.' I laughed nervously, still thinking about the nightmare. And partly because Lesley will probably kill me if he hurts himself on my watch.

He looked at me seriously. 'No, she won't. I think she likes you.'

'Y-Yeah, we're friends.' I tried hard not to go red.

'Yeah, but she still likes you.'

'Okay Harley, you need to sleep. Good night.' I got up, but he held on to my hand.

'No, don't go. Please. Here, you can sleep beside me.' He moved, until there was enough space for me to squeeze in. 'Just, don't go. I'm scared.'

'Okay, little bro. I'll keep you safe.'


I was startled awake by someone yelling throughout the dorm.

'Rise and shine, Harley! Harley? What the-? Gusion? What are you doing here?'

'Can you please not yell the first thing in the morning, sis?' Harley groaned.

She completely ignored Harley's remark and asked again, 'Gusion, what are you doing here?'

I held up a palm, asking her to wait. 'I'll explain. Just give me a sec.' I got up to my room to wash my face. She followed me. I explained to her that he got a nightmare and that he wanted me to stay with him.

'That's all.' I didn't tell her specifically about the nightmare. Not now, when Harley is in hearing range.

Satisfied, she nodded. 'Thank you for that. I've made breakfast. Go, before Harley wipes it clean.' She laughed. I smiled. 'Since today we have a break from school, I thought we could spend more time studying that book.'

'Good idea, Les. Let me get ready.'


We went to the tower again to read. Lesley took the book out carefully and placed it in front of us.

'So, where were we?'

'We're here.' She pointed. 'Believe blues, never reds. Any idea what it's supposed to mean?'

'Not a clue. Doesn't sound like much of anything.'

'It kinda sounds like "Always believe that the colour blue will never become red" or something.'

'Yeah, almost like saying "Always the evil people will never become good".' I said.

'That's it, Gusion! I think they're trying to tell us to never trust these creatures, no matter how "good" they are. I mean, they are good manipulators, so they may even try to bribe you with someone's life and so on.'

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