Part 18 : Sparks

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#Hi! I wanna say a quick thank you to those of you who have been sticking with me along Gusion and Lesley as well.

Happy reading!



'Guys, this is Harith.' Alucard introduced.

'Hi.' He waved. 'You guys have been walking long? You look tired.'

We nodded. Harith smiled kindly.

'Come with me.' He gestured us to follow him. He brought us to a large tree to let us sit under the shade. He climbed the tree and grabbed a handful of fruits. 'Here. This will be perfect for you.'

'Thanks, Harith.' I said. He smiled.

The fruit was nothing like I have ever tasted before. As soon as I took a bite, I felt all the tiredness and soreness fly away. One fruit was enough to quench my thirst and hunger, although it was small.

The environment of the forest also really helped. The fresh, sweet scented air made me feel better after these past few days.

After we had rested for a bit, we realized we needed to keep going.

'Harith, thank you so much for your hospitality.' Fanny said. 'We really needed this rest.'

'No problem.' He grinned.

'Harith?' Gusion called. 'Do you know anyone of this?' He handed him the scroll.

Harith took a look at it and frowned. 'Is this from the Goddess?'

'Yeah, it is.' Gusion said slowly.

'You're looking for the Time Traveller.'

Oh, that made sense. Travelling by the dozen numbers. Numbers of the clock.

'Oh wow, how did I not see that?' I facepalmed.

'Where do we find him?' Claude asked.

Harith grinned. 'I'm the Time Traveller. I was asked to assist you on this quest. I just didn'texactly who I was supposedto help.'

'The Goddess had me make sure that you, the warriors, are rested for the rest of the day. We continue tomorrow.' Harith told us. 'Come, let's get you a place for the night.'

We couldn't help but return his heart-warming smile.

Harith was really kind. He'd made sure that we were comfortable enough and well-fed before going to sleep. Although I could feel he was tired from doing do much for us, he didn't seem to show it. I guess he just didn't want us to feel bad.

'Harith.' I called him.

'Yes, Lesley?' He gave me a smile. 'Is there anything I could do for you?'

'Harith, you've done so much. I just wanted to ask you to rest. You're coming with us, you really should rest too. You look tired.'

'I'm not tired.' He said slowly.

I raised an eyebrow. 'You have been running around this forest, looking for fruits, mushrooms, firewood, water supply and all that, and you're not tired?'

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down, but didn't say anything.

But his gesture said the words he didn't.

'You're still young, but you have a big heart.' I smiled at him.

He chuckled softly. 'You sound like an older sister. I've always wanted one.' He said shyly.

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