Part 25 : The War Begins

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# Last chapter ❤ #


That’s it. They’ve gone too far. Too far.

Harley and Harith have been restless throughout the day. They were filled with vengeance for their sister.

‘They’re going to pay.’ Harley seethed.

‘We’ll make them.’ Harith promised.

Harley wouldn’t talk to anyone properly. Lesley was right. He was scary. He looked like he was ready to take on an army.

Harith was a little calmer than Harley, but I knew what he had inside is unimaginably dangerous. He’s someone you really don’t want to mess with. Mostly, he blames himself.

Me? I had mixed feelings of anger, regret and sadness. I wanted to barge in there, grab Lesley and get out of there. Typically, everyone held me back saying it’s a bad idea, saying you’ll get in trouble, saying you’d be doing exactly what they wanted.

Saying you might get Lesley killed.

That shut me up.

I’ll admit, it pissed me off. But I didn’t argue. I felt lost and lonely. So, I just got up, and locked myself in my room. I didn’t eat, sleep wasn’t peaceful, I didn’t connect with others.

Then, I decided to do it.

‘Gusion, please. Don’t do anything stupid.’ Gwen said. ‘Please don’t do anything that might hurt her.’

I sighed. ‘Then what? You expect me to just sit here? While she’s suffering there? God knows what they’re doing to her, Gwen. And I’m not gonna do anything stupid.’

‘I know, Gusion.’ She looked out the window. ‘We’ll get her back. But you just gotta be patient.’

‘Do you know? How much regret I feel? How much it hurts not to hold her?’ I said quietly.

Gwen took a seat next to me. ‘I may not know how you feel, but I do know that we’ll get her back. I won’t let them hurt her. We won’t.’

I didn’t say anything. The ache just grew and grew every moment.

‘We need you, Gusion. We can’t do this without you. Lesley needs you.’

I nodded tersely.

Gwen exhaled. ‘Thanks. Now, please eat. You didn’t eat since yesterday morning. You need your strength.’

I didn’t feel like eating. But for Lesley, I’d do anything.

Later that day, we went to meet Kaja about the plan. Kaja looked tired and anxious.

‘I’m extremely sorry about what happened to Lesley. I really am. We have to execute this plan properly. There’s no place for mistakes.’ Kaja stressed. We all couldn’t agree more.

Kaja sent his two of his assistants to get a blueprint of the place. They somehow came back without getting caught.

'Wait.' Kaja held up his palm at them. 'Gusion.'

I stepped forward and lit my dagger. I signaled that they were normal. Kaja asked them to continue.

‘Sir.’ The first one said, as he handed the blueprint. ‘We have some news.’

‘What is it?’

‘They’re planning to kill Ms. Vance tonight.’
My world just stopped a moment, as the words slowly sank it. ‘What?’ I shouted. ‘I’m going in. Don’t stop me.’

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