Part 17 : New Mission

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# Happy reading 💞 #


I saw this coming.

'That boy isn't going anywhere, and neither are you two.' My fa - That man said.

'You fell into our trap just like we planned you to.' The woman said.

'Why do you even want him?' Lesley demanded. I was growing impatient by the minute.

'Oh no, no, no, dear. We don't want him. We want you two.'

What the hell?

'What?' Lesley asked.

'That boy was a mere bait to get you two here. It would be dangerous for us to actually take both of you when you're dangerous alone, so we took him, knowing you'd come for him. We just didn't expect you to bring a whole crew, but nothing we couldn't handle.' That man grinned.

I wanted to see my dagger in his heart.

He suddenly came up front and grabbed Harley. He pushed him to the woman who immediately placed a knife at Harley's throat.

"Harley!' He stood frozen. 'No! Leave him alone!' Lesley yelled. 'What do you want from us?'

That lady just smirked. 'Finally we're talking. Well, we're planning to create an entire army of Shapeshifters. There aren't many, just a few more since you already killed two. We want him dead, because he's the only one who can kill them with his messed up skills.' She pointed at me.

'Yes, we want you dead too because your natural talent as a sniper can easily mess up our plans. You have a perfect shot every time you fire.' The man said to Lesley.

'He's no longer of use to us.' The woman smiled sinisterly, looking down at Harley.

Lesley took out her sniper and aimed at her. The woman shook her head.

'Throw it down.'

Lesley unwillingly complied.

'You're not touching him.' I warned, appearing behind the woman, placing my dagger at her neck.

'Forgot me?' The man asked.

Probably should have thought this through.

He started chanting to cast a spell, as my brain failed to work a way out.

'You probably should stop if you don't want your head to be blown off.' An all too familiar voice said.

'Claude!' Lesley said.

Claude held the man at his gunpoint.

'Les, now!' He cued her, and she camouflaged and grabbed Harley while I confiscated the knife from her hands.

Dexter hopped up to his back and revealed another gun.

'Down!' We instinctively ducked. Claude said, 'Let's get this started!' And he and Dexter fired all around them, damaging the two. They got weaker and they fell unconscious. We tied them up quickly.

'Let's get out of here.' Claude said, and we followed.


I looked at Harley.

'What?' He asked. I shrugged.

Did I imagine it?

'Help.' This time it was a bit louder, and I knew I wasn't hearing things when Lesley said-

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