Part 16 : Rivals

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#Hi again! I can't believe this story has reached 1k views!! This is so exciting and really making me happy.

Some of you have been really really supportive. Thank you all so much for that.

I appreciate it. 💞



Gusion clearly hates that man.

I had no idea what to do with Harley, but he's made up his mind. I felt like I had to respect his decision, as much as I wanted to protect him, as much as it shatters me. He didn't seem like he was in danger, and he looked well fed and taken care of.

Which I thought was odd.

I guess this woman just didn't like me, but loved Harley.

The woman suddenly walked up to me. 'Remember when I said you'd regret hitting me? Well, does it hurt now?' She grinned evilly.

I wanted to punch her again, but held myself. Maybe it's because I didn't want Harley to get upset.

'Mum, what are you doing to Lesley?' Harley asked. 'Don't you dare hurt her.'

'I'm not the one hurting her, Harley. Don't worry.'

She's right. She isn't hurting me, Harley is. I know I won't stay here, despite my brother's wish. I can't. Not with her.

Gusion's father suddenly spoke up. 'I know what I did, son. I hope you forgive me for my sins. Please, come back home.'

'What? So you can marry me off to another kingdom so you get treasure?' Gusion spit with despise.

'I wouldn't marry him, even if he wants to.' A female voice said, revealing a young girl with curly hair.

'Your Majesty? What are you doing here?' His father asked, clearly shocked, but bowed with respect.

'Guinevere.' Gusion gave a small nod.

'Gusion.' She nodded, smirking.

I became slightly irritated by her presence. I couldn't handle this anymore.

'Excuse me.' I said, and walked out of the place. The others followed me out.

I know Gusion didn't want to marry her, but why do they seem so friendly to each other? They called each other by their first names, unlike his father who addressed her with respect and even bowed.

My heart broke as I saw them talking to each other and the thought of never seeing Harley again.


Lesley walked out of the house. The others followed her. She seemed angry and sad. I wanted to go after her, but decided that I need to settle this thing with my father once and for all.

'You have the audacity to look at me in the face and apologise, when you tried so hard killing me all these years?' I seethed.

'No, son. This is hard for me. Either way, it's my mistake, so I'm here to fix it.'

'Your tricks are old, Paxley.' Guinevere said. 'Don't mess with him anymore, leave him alone. That's how you can show you really are sorry. Or you'll have to face me. You don't want that, do you?'

Gwen still haven't changed.

My father was clearly taken aback by what she said. I know he wouldn't want to lose that trust between the Baroques, even if they weren't as noble as the Paxleys.

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