Chapter 20

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The notepad was kept open in front of her. A pen by its side. She stood staring at the paper for a while.

Nothing. Feeling empty and frustrated she closed the notepad and put it back in her locker. She crouched on the floor and collected all the scattered crushed papers.

Garbage. Garbage. Garbage. Trash. Trash. Trash.

She thought as she picked each ball of paper from the ground.

'Just like you.'

She felt a little frown appear on her lips, her jaw tighten. Standing up immediately she threw the waste into the bin and walked into the café.

The first thing she saw as she walked in was Jungkook. But this did not make her happy because he was with the girl in pink. Feeling heavy in her heart, she grabbed her waiter notepad and made her way to her customer.

Watching her walk by without so much as a second glance caught Jungkook's attention. He noticed that she was smiling at her customers, talking politely. But he knew, somehow, that she was upset.


"Huh what?" he was called back to reality from his train of thoughts when the pretty girl in front of him tried to get his attention.

"You are looking at her again," she said, and Jungkook felt like a deer caught in headlights.

"No, I wasn't," he tried to fix the situation.

"I'm leaving Jungkook," she stood up and continued, "Call me when you want to be with me and when you stop thinking about her," she motioned her head towards Amelia.

As soon as she walked out, he heard a voice say from behind, "Cotton candy left early today. What's going on?"

He chuckled at the comment and immediately regretted doing so. He turned around and air quoted as he asked, "'Cotton candy' because she wears pink?"

"Duh Einstein!" Amelia said as she walked to the counter.

"Listen Aami," he hurriedly followed her as he spoke.

"I was thinking we could have one more of those drinking nights. How about tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow?" she pondered over the idea, "Why not tonight?"

"Tonight?" he asked her, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah why not? It's not like you have any other commitment, do you?" she asked him looking at the café door that had closed after a certain someone who had just left.

"Nope, no other plans," he shook his head with a small smile.

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