Chapter Twenty Five

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"Wow! This is so- so amazing! The hall is so big!" I basically shout from excitement. It echoes lightly and I grin, racing from the side of the stage to the opposite side in order to see the new angle. It takes quite a few moments but I make it and I'm able to see where the guests will be when they come in.

Yoongi snickers and rolls his eyes but I see a small smile from where I'm at. I race back over, basically huffing when I reach where he is, but my lips are still stretched in a happy grin.

"Are you ready to play?" I ask, voice still quick from excitement as I reach out to grab my violin. I can basically hear my heart beating. It's the same as how I can feel my nerves tingling, everybit of me simply ready to escape the restraints that have been on me for around a month now.

Wait- A month?

Was that right?

A few days of preparation before getting on the plain, about two and a half weeks of practice, and then another week of waiting before being sent out to Seoul.

"Yoongi," I call out, getting a simple hum of question back. "We've known each other for a month. Or, around, but still."

At the fact, Yoongi looks up from where he's testing out the piano in front of him. He pauses, simply rigid, before lightly smiling. "You're right. It's felt much shorter." He tells before looking to the piano, "Knowing you, you must want to celebrate. What were you thinking?"

"Oh- I didn't think about celebrating!" I tell him, and by the way his shoulders fall I can tell he regrets saying anything. This makes me laugh and I walk over, nudging his shoulder with mine. "We don't have to go out and do something social to celebrate, you know that right? How about we do a movie night of sorts? Just rest after everything? Well- we probably won't be able to do it til after this round and. . . " I drift off, mumbling under my breath.

Yoongi snorts and shakes his head, "We'll do a movie night, but don't think too deeply into it."

"Hmph, what happened to the nice man I had dinner with last night?"

"Sorry, professional Min Yoongi here. Nice to meet you Kim YN." He tells sarcastically, reaching his hand out to shake hands.

"Oh shush you little dork." I ignore his attempt of a shake and just grab my violin.

"Little? Excuse me-"

"So! Let's get started, shall we? Is your piano all tuned?" I ask, a bit hesitant with the wording. Pianos needed tuning too, right?

Yoongi notices the hesitant thought and he laughs softly, "Yes, it's tuned." He tells, and I legitimately can't tell if he's serious or not.

So I ignore him again instead of being embarrassed.

"Okay then, ready?"

He nods.

And that's when we hit the problem we were both terrified of.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

"Yoongi, do we need to take a break?" I ask for the hundredth time that evening. 

"No. I'm fine." Yoongi grits out through his teeth, placing his hands on the rest position before looking to me. "Ready to try again?"

I bite my lip before nodding, looking to my violin. His fingers meet the piano tile and he's off.

I wait until his playing speeds up and then I join, able to keep up much easier than last time. Right as I start to smile, enjoying the playing and the fact that everything sounds perfect, I hear the sound of the piano stop again for hundredth and first time.

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