Chapter Twenty Eight

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I twirl around, seeing my dress follow. "Hm, how do I look Yoongs? Pretty snazzy, huh?" I ask, checking around to see how the dress fits.

"Hm?" Yoongi asks, looking up from where he's reading the score.

Currently, we're backstage for the main performance. The one that dictates if we go worldwide. Honestly, even if we do well but don't make it, it'd be enough exposure for Yoongi and I to get some really good offers. But we want to make it, want to win this until the very end.

"My dress, it's new. I look good, don't I?" I ask, flipping my hair - or trying but I accidentally smack myself in the face.

Yoongi snickers, raising a brow, "Yes, absolutely stunning." He teases before looking back down to the score, causing me to huff. Not from lack of attention but from the fact that he's too nervous for his own good.

I walk over, leaning down, and I snatch the score paper away from him. Yoongi glances up in shock, about to ask why I did that, but I shut him up with a kiss. He's beyond flustered from the action, I can tell by the way his hands reach up to pull my close but freeze in the air and the way his cheeks become a pretty pink.

I chuckle before leaning back, "Stop reading the score. Just focus on me Yoongs. We've practiced how many times? So just relax, take a deep breath. We've got this."

Yoongi nods, lips still parted and cheeks still pink. 

"You're so cute," I whisper before reaching my hand out for his, "Now come on, let's get going. We're next."

"Oh - Okay."

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

Gentle clapping is what welcomes Yoongi and I when we walk onto the stage. The lights feel too bright and the clapping too loud but I try not to focus on that. Try to not focus on how it makes me dizzy, even though it's been a good few days since I felt sick.

I'm not about to tell Yoongi this, I'll get through the performance.

While I walk up to the podium, Yoongi fixes the bench in front of the piano, the audience chuckling when he takes a bit longer than usual, followed by my remark: "Is it perfect now, Princess?"

He just huffs before testing a key, looking to me and nodding when it's perfect to him. I nod back, looking to the violin and taking a deep breath.

"Are you ready, Min Yoongi?" I whisper.

He smiles, "I'm ready, Kim YN."

And we start.

I smile too despite the room around me feeling less focused than it should be. But I pay attention on my playing, also noticing Yoongi's. We work together at first before the 'fight' is on. Our teasing before hand helps, as we're still in an amazing mood.

Yoongi's fingers skip around the piano, his whole body grinning with the joy of the happy sounds. My violin is silenced by the sound of his happy playing. 

I look to the crowd, seeing that the crowd is completely fixed on him. Many stare with their eyes wide, mouth ajar, and body leaning forward in anticipation. I understand, I tend to feel the same way when he's playing so beautifully.

Will they think the same of me?

My question is answered when my violin jumps in, the piano spiking as it does, the keyed instrument acting as if scared. It quiets down while I take the lead, my violin much more energetic as it bounces from note to note. I hear a few gasps and I grin, still ignoring the fact that I feel as if I can no longer rely on my own legs to stay standing

Instead I focus on the reason why I play music: To amaze other people; to make their hearts spring with emotion that I'm feeling. I wonder if Yoongi can feel it too?

I glance to him and see his eyes alight with an emotion that makes him seem so alive, so present. He looks towards me, soundlessly laughing with delight - knowing he can't make a sound yet wanting too.

We switch off a few times until we're nearing the end, both instruments bouncing around each other with notes that sound like children playing.

My vision goes blurry as the world spins. 

I feel nauseous.


Like fainting.

But Yoongi, he's so alight that I don't want to allow myself to. I want to see every moment of this alive boy that's hidden behind quiet nods, silent gazes, and small smiles. 

I'm trembling but trying so hard to force my bow to move straight.

So close to the end. So close.

I'll do this. For Yoongi.

And suddenly, we're done, bow slinging off the violin and fingers racing against the keys. It's silent before there's sudden cheering, people standing and clapping.

I laugh this time, Yoongi following.

It's so loud, it's so bright, but I'm so happy. 

We did it. 

I did it.

Yoongi did it.

We bow before starting to walk off stage. My legs feel like lead but I know once I sit down, I'll be able to relax. 

Just a few more steps.

I take one more before my legs no longer supports me, bending under my weight in a way that causes me to fall. But before I can truly hit the ground, my world spins into a black void, a faint "YN!" being exclaimed from the boy behind me.

End of Chapter Twenty Eight

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