Chapter 102

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Loki's POV

I don't know how long it took me to notice, but I cursed myself when I did. Arista was still bleeding, badly. If I didn't stop it, with all the effort she had exerted, she would die. What made me notice was when she suddenly faded away into unconsciousness. The baby had caused a tear deep inside, a tear so bad that even my advanced sedir could only heal it marginally for the moment, but it was enough to stop the bleeding. I was still in shock, out of all the scenarios I'd imagined in relation to a bad labor, none of them had ended with a stillborn. If I had only trusted her instincts when she said she needed the procedure done, if I'd tried to help her when she'd asked for it, then perhaps our daughter would still be alive. My tears had dried instantly upon realizing the danger Arista was in, and they were replaced with grim determination. I would not let her die. I couldn't lose her too. Once I was done tending to my wife as best I could, I hesitated to move our baby. Even in her weakened state, Arista had managed to place a hand on her back, securing her on her chest, but I decided it was for the best. I picked up the infant, washed her of blood, and wrapped her in my cape. Only then, when I looked down at her and saw her face, really saw her face for the first time, that I felt my heart open up and really start to grieve. Arista may have been the one to carry her, but I felt almost like I had as well. It was not uncommon for us to have an open Bond, so I could feel her movements inside Arista first hand.

Arista. She had wanted this baby so badly, if only to continue her line, her race, but I'd seen the look in her eyes she got when she thought I wasn't looking. She had truly loved this baby, and would mourn her more than even I. My eyes drifted across all of the supplies we had gathered in preparation for the baby's arrival: the cradle, the clothes, the rocker specifically for nursing. It all had to go. Them being around would only remind her. Remind us. So, with only a few incantations, everything we'd collected was gone. As for the baby, I couldn't bear to put her down, so I passed her to a clone and returned to Arista's side.

Arista's POV

Pain was all I could feel. All of my muscles are stiff, full of lactic acid. Although I was breathing more easily, since my lungs had more room to expand, there was a stabbing pain in my heart. I wasn't even allowed a few moments while waking to be blissfully unaware of what happened. The missing weight against my lower internal organs, and the agony from my cervical tear was more intense that I could have ever imagined. I was crying again before I even opened my eyes. Loki was there for me right away, letting me sob into his fresh tunic, each breath sending jolts of fresh pain through my body. He didn't try to comfort me, he didn't say anything. He just let me wail.

"Where's my baby?"

"A clone has her." A daughter. Our instincts had been right.

"I need to see her."


"Please!" I knew it would only make it worse, but I had to see my baby. An identical Loki entered the room, an unmoving bundle wrapped in his cape in his arms. He handed said bundle down to me and vanished. Our daughter was beautiful, black hair from Loki being the only trait from him to show through. Well, her eyes were closed so I couldn't see their color. Loki let me hold her for a few minutes more, but then gently took her, using my true name to coax her from my iron grip.

"Dove, we'll have a ceremony for her tonight. Send her up to be with Mother." I nodded, no strength left to get words out.

Due to my injury, Loki had to carry me very carefully back to our bed. When I saw the empty wall space where the crib was supposed to be, I broke down again. But inside, I knew it was better than actually seeing it empty. Loki laid me down gently, placing himself so I could hold him. I needed him to stay grounded. To stay sane. The only way I had of coping right now was making him my world. Not the clone holding our baby, not the 'maid' that left the room. Only my husband, my Soulmate. This time, Loki spilled a few tears with me, unable to hold onto his composure. He held me, remaining my world until his disguised clone returned with food. My stomach rumbled, but I had no appetite.

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