Chapter 122

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Over the course of the next half hour, I told them everything I told Steve, minus the bits that involved Loki. I told them the history of Thanos, of the Singularities, the Great Destruction, and my millenium on the run. But not about Loki, our Bond, or the fact that he was still alive. And I only revealed the locations of stones that someone other than myself knew. I told them that the Tesseract was still on Asgard, and that the Mind Stone was set in Vision's forehead, and that the Reality was safe on Knowhere with the Collector.

"Tell me his name again." Were the first words out of Tony's mouth. I winced, having avoided it as much as I could.

"Thanos. But I'd prefer to not say it. Why?"

"During the battle of New York, when I went through that portal. Something...happened. When you said his name that triggered something."


"I don't know. The feeling of a looming threat."

"Welcome to what I've been feeling for the past fourteen thousand years. But we can prepare now, be ready by knowing where the stones are, and move them before he gets there."

"But you said you only know where three are. What of the other three? You said there were six."

"On Xandar, about two years back," Thor began, "The Power Stone nearly destroyed the planet, but it was saved at the last moment. It is rumored that they have kept it."

"That's true. The group that did most of the work call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy, but it was me who made sure the planet didn't burn. And yes, the Nova Corps have it locked in their vaults and I have a safeguard in place to alert me if the vault is opened."

"And the Soul Stone?" Steve prompted. I'd forgotten that he actually knew everything.

"The Soul Stone is a myth. Nobody has ever seen it."

"That's not true, Thor. Do you remember what brought me to Asgard all those years ago?"

"The crisis on Vanaheim, how could I forget?"

"Some villages were being burned, but others were just suddenly empty. That's because Thanos was using the Soul to try and get my attention. He succeeded, but he didn't count on his mole turning it over to me."

"We never did find out what they were using, did we." I couldn't tell if it was a statement or a question, and Thor was looking very pensive.

"Only I knew what it was."

"So where is it now?"

"It spent several years in the safekeeping of a dragon who owed me. He lives in the Asgardian mountains still, but after we sent the Reality to Knowhere, I decided it was time to move it, because the Tesseract was also on Asgard. Kaylinth told me that he knew someone on a distant planet who would be a sufficient guardian, so at my request, he took it there."



"But there is no intelligent life there."

"That Asgard knows of. Most of it is a wasteland. It would be easy for the abode of a guardian to remain hidden."

"Perhaps I should visit this place, and make certain." I shook my head.

"You can't go there for the same reason I can't. I'm sure Thanos has spies tracking you, maybe even both of us, which is why I was so hesitant to tell you. If you suddenly start acting like you know things you shouldn't, he will know where to look for me."

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