Chapter 15

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Austin looks towards Scott then back to me.

I clear my throat. "This is my boyfriend. His name is Noah" I say.

It's much easier to say that he's my boyfriend than to explain to them that Noah is a guy who I'm fake dating to fool our parents so I didn't have to get in trouble and he keeps coming to our house randomly and then disappears for two weeks. He gets into fights, is a jerk (and a player) and is absolutely not my type. Oh and if you're wondering, he has a key to this house too.

"Oh," Austin replies, making glances at Scott. "Nice to meet you Noah." Austin shakes his hand.

Noah nods and looks at me awkwardly.

"We are just here to grab some things before heading to Scott's house."

I nod. I'm a little weirded out by how calm Austin is. Maybe it's because Scott is here or something, but I expected him to push Noah to the ground and tell me to go wash my hands if I ever held hands with Noah.


"Your brother is intimidating," Noah explains while walking into my room.

"What, you talked to him?" I ask. I'm laying in bed, in my dog printed shorts of course.

"Actually, I was making my way here before he stopped me and threatened to kill me in my sleep if I do anything to hurt you," he chuckles before sitting next to me.

I giggle quietly. Noah being intimidated by my brother is pretty funny. To me at least.

"What's so funny shorty?"

"You. Also for the last time, I am not short," I scoff.

"I think you are." Noah smiles. That smile makes me want to smile more.

I grab a pillow and swiftly whack it across Noah's face. I burst into laughter from his reaction. I can tell he's trying to keep a straight face, acting all tough and angry, but the small grin that keeps appearing on his face makes it seem impossible to believe that.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a pillow hits me.

Noah chuckles. "Whoops. I'm sorry, I didn't see you down there." He smirks.

I'm officially done playing around. I am going to win this pillow war. I get up onto my knees and I swing my arms while holding the pillow. As the pillow is about to hit Noah, he grabs it from me, leaving me defenseless. In one quick movement, he pushes me onto my back and hovers over me.

"Hey! Get off," I complain and pushes against his chest. He's way too strong for me. Noah grabs my hands and holds them above my head. My heart beat starts pounding throughout my body. All I can hear is the pounding and our deep breaths taken in unison. Without my brain catching up to what my hands are doing, my hand slips out of his grip and hooks onto the back of Noah's neck. I pull him closer so our lips touch.

"Chrissy," Noah sighs within breaths. He pulls away after what seems like an eternity and lays beside me. "Come here." He holds out his arms and I move close to him, tangling our legs together. His arms wrap around me and I place my hand on his chest. He squeezes me tightly and gently loosens his grip.

"Noah, I think you need a shower." I wrinkle my nose and giggle.

"Chrissy, I was trying to have a moment with you," He says sarcastically then laughs. "But, I will go for a shower...only if you come with me." He smirks at me as I look up to him.

"You wish, you big pervert." I roll my eyes.

He sits up and stands up. "It was worth a try." He shrugs and chuckles. Before leaving my room, he turns around to look at me. "You sure you don't want me to leave this shirt for you?" He smirks.

I grab the nearest pillow and chuck it at him. "That was one time!" I exclaim as I feel my face turn red.


"Hey, I just realized I don't know much about you, or your friends and your family," I say quietly.

Noah's eyes are closed and his head is rested on one of his arms. I feel him tense up beside me.

"What do you want to know?" He asks, eyes still closed.

Now that he's asked me this, I don't know what to ask. "Ummm...What's up with you and Hunter?"

"I don't know him. I just don't like the idea of you having guys over at your house," he says, flat and monotoned.

"What about your family? How are they? You never mention them."

"My mom works as a waitress and my dad..." He pauses for a moment. "My dad is out of town."

"Oh," I reply, not knowing if I should continue to ask questions.

"My little brother goes to school," he continues.

I look up at him. "You have a brother?"

"Yeah, he's 7 years old. His name is Ben."

"Awww that's sweet." I smile. "What does your family say when you spend nights with me?"

"My mom just doesn't want me to get myself into trouble. Other than that, she doesn't mind."

I imagine a picture of Noah's family. A woman in her 40s with light brown hair and green eyes. She would be slightly shorter than my height and she might have a few white hairs for having to deal with Noah. Even I feel like I'm getting white hairs from being around Noah. There would be a little Noah in the family who would be looking up to his older brother. Finally, a man. For some strange reason, I can't picture a man. No matter how hard I think, I can't imagine a picture of a man, Noah's father. Would Noah look more like him?

"Whatcha thinking about shorty?" Noah questions, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I shake my head and smile. "Why did you get that tattoo?" I point at the small tattoo on Noah's hand, changing the subject.

Noah tilts his head to the side and his eyes trace to where I am pointing at, then back to meet my eyes. "Oh, that one. It's a rose. My mother's favourite kind of flowers."

"You're so sweet, Noah." I can't help but smile. "Who knew you had a heart underneath all that toughness?" I tease and giggle.

"Oh please. Can we stop with this sappy stuff," Noah pretends to gag and chuckles lightly.

"Fine." I pout teasingly. Noah pulls me closer from under the blanket we are sharing and he brushes a strand of my hair out of my face. Before I know it, I'm fast asleep.


Hey everyone! This chapter is dedicated to beepBeepRuh-hichie! Thank you for voting and reading :D

I would also like to thank everyone who has been reading! During this past week we have reached more than 1 thousand reads! That is amazing!

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Have a great day! Stay tuned for new chapters!

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