More Than a Competition

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Leah's POV

I knock on the door to Professor Snape's quarters the two hours of sleep I did end up getting last night making me giddy despite what day it is. "Miss Potter! do you realize what time it is?" He asks in distress, and I nod eagerly.

"It's five a.m. on the dot, but I need your help." I explain, and he drops his head running a hand across his face. "What?" He asks sharply slowly growing irritated with me. "Well I need to brew an under water breathing potion for the second task."

"And you had to wake me up because?" His voice trails off, but slowly as he starts to wake up the irritation starts to disappear. "Because I know how much you hate it when students sneak into the storeroom. besides I assume such a potion is difficult to make since we have not learned about it, and I would like your expertise."

He nods slowly considering my offer much more awake now. "As you know I am not allowed to assist you with your tournament tasks, but I will observe and give a few suggestions." I break out into a full on smile because that's more than he probably should do, and if I was anyone else I doubt he would do even that.

"Now let's hurry Miss Potter, I believe we're slowly running out of time." He ushers me down the corridor the tiniest of smiles briefly appearing on his lips.

Leah's POV

"Harry, where have you been?" I demand in a hushed whisper pulling him away from Mr. Bagman and Percy because he looks like he's about to faint. "I... I overslept." He tries to lie but being his twin I can see the hesitation briefly cross his face. "Sure ya did, that's why you, Ron, and Hermione weren't at breakfast this morning."

"I don't know where Hermione is, but Ron is..." But before he can finish Ludo pulls him away separating all of us as we prepare to start the next task. I pull on my maroon one piece swimsuit the cool February air turning my skin brittle, and I clutch the small potion vile in my hand as I look around at the audience.

"Did you figure something out?" I whisper once the adults are out of earshot because even though I'm not supposed to I could slip him some of my potion. "Yeah." He mumbles back holding up a lump of gillyweed. "Dobby helped me." He adds and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding as I continue to scan the crowd.

Mara and George are just getting to their seats, but Fred is nowhere to be seen along with Ron and Hermione. I shake my head trying to focus on the task at hand, I can worry about them when Harry and I safely finish this task.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One . . . two . . . three!" I unscrew the vile and chug the small portion of the green potion that I decided would be enough to get me through the hour.

It smoothly slides down my throat the texture resembling a slime, and I start to feel my feet mold into flippers so I dive into the water before I suffocate on the harsh air that gills are not made for.

I inhale sharply the feeling of water filling my body is strange, but oddly satisfying. I take a second to get used to my surroundings and the new additions to my body, but I can't waste to much time no matter how much I just want to swim around and have fun.

My webbed feet pad through the water at a rather fast rate, and my eyes fly over every nook and cranny to make sure I don't miss anything. However it's hard to see, and Mara warned me about getting to close to the weed covered ocean floor where all the grindylows hide.

I continue to swim focusing on what's in front of me, which is a whole lot of nothing, but while I'm concentrated a seaweed like creature swoops down and traps me with it's tangled mane. It swims a lot faster, so I desperately hold on for dear life despite wanting to let go. If my instincts are right than this is a kelpie, a water demon that drags it's prey all the way to the seafloor so it can eat them.

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