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Leah's POV

"It's no big deal..." I try speaking but Harry cuts me off his eyes bulging from his skull. "No big deal!?! A picture of you and Fred snogging is on the front of every paper and magazine within the wizarding world, but sure it's no big deal."

I roll my eyes tossing the paper in the fire on my way out of the common room not in the mood to wait for him. "We're not done..."

"Harry you're not my boss I can decide for myself when I've heard enough." I snap not turning around to face him, and as I jog down the stairs several first years dart out of my way.

He continues to scold me as I head out to the courtyard where we're meeting our friends, and at one point I laugh in his face. Since I'm almost positive him and Hermione were featured in Witch Weekly just last week.

"Hey Leah, mom framed that picture of you and Fred snogging and..."

"Not the time Ron!" I snarl shoving past him to Hermione and Mara who are both anxiously biting their lips. They were both sitting with me at breakfast this morning when Harry stormed in with the paper that Seamus and Dean had been taunting him with.

I whip around my thick curls falling in front of my face taking away from my intimidating factor. Harry is currently glaring at Ron not appreciating his comment either. "Can we please try to act cordial around Sirius? We don't get to see him a lot, and I don't want to spend today with him worried." Mara states and I nod my head tersely.

"Agreed." I state specifically eyeing Harry who shoots back a drawn out over the top eye roll.

Leah's POV

"I'm not ready to say goodbye." I whisper Sirius pulling me against him cradling my head on his chest. "Good thing this isn't goodbye then, I'll see you soon hopefully. But I don't want you sneaking out of school to come see me alright? Just send notes to me here, I still want to hear about anything odd. But you're not to go leaving Hogwarts, it would be an ideal opportunity for someone to attack you."

I pull away ducking my head so my curls hide my face giving me some time to compose myself before I hyperventilate. "No one's tried to attack me so far, except a dragon and a couple of grindylows." Harry pipes up making Sirius scowl.

"I don't care... I'll breathe freely again when this tournaments over and that's not until June." Sirius continues his age showing in his face as he runs his hands through his long hair. Good to see I'm not the only one stressed over this whole situation.

"Now Mara I know you're not in the tournament, but I still want you to be careful. You know I don't trust your father after all." He growls the last part glaring at the cave wall behind us as if Lucius  was actually there himself.

"I will Sirius." She whispers her eyes looking through him as if she was in a different world searching for something, but slowly a small smile breaks out across her face like she found what she was looking for.

"Oh and before you go..." he pulls a paper from the pile and tosses it to me. "Care to explain that?" I flip it over and immediately groan throwing it back at him. He's trying to look intimidating, but his eyes are crinkling telling me he's forcing a smirk down.

"Is not obvious? It's a picture of Leah and Fred snogging." Mara chuckles and I shoot her a deadly glare, but this is Mara she's barely phased. "The articles even lovelier than the picture." Harry snaps.

"You know what, I'd rather people read rumors about my love life than the shit Skeeter was writing regarding our family." I growl because that's the god honest truth. I can handle headlines reading: Leah's first, Potter settles for the poor, or Weasley's using her for the fame.

That or I'm just used to it, but Fred's not and I'm honestly concerned for him.

"It's just surprising is all, I expected stuff like this from your brother..."

"Hey!" Harry interrupts having the audacity to actually look offended. "But you usually like to keep things to yourself." Sirius finishes with a laugh ruffling my hair, and I just shrug because he has a point. I'm not sure what compelled me to do it, but I think it's because I'm so comfortable with him for once in my life I didn't care.

"Well I think Leah's had enough embarrassment for one day, I'll walk back with you guys." Sirius sighs and we all know he doesn't want us to leave almost as much as we don't want to.

The walk back is silent and tiring almost as much as the walk up, but this time it's worse. This time we don't want to leave, and there's something in the back of my head saying stay or just come back, but I know that would be irresponsible and selfish.

I give the scruffy dog one last scratch on the head before forcing myself to leave because if I don't then I never will. Everytime I leave it feels like I'm giving the world another opportunity to take my loved ones away.

Leah's POV

"I swear if they print another stupid article regarding you and me, or Harry and Hermione I'm going to..." My rant cut short as Fred strides up to me and presses a soft kiss to my lips the Witch Weekly magazine in my hand falling to the floor.

"That's a good way to shut me up." I chuckle allowing him to pull me over to the couch in the common room, and I instantly cuddle into him practically crawling into his lap. "So I've learned, now do you want to explain what happened?"

"Hermione received hate mail today, one which contained bubotuber pus all because of these idiotic gossip columns that continuously print lies about us." I heave my eyes shooting daggers at the magazine, and Fred's eyes follow it to see that we didn't make the front cover this time but Harry and Hermione did.

"Leah it's okay..."

"Not it's not, you guys don't deserve this treatment, and don't give me that look I've seen people tormenting you about it." I sigh and he pulls me closer shrugging slightly as if it were no big deal. "It doesn't matter to me because the people that matter know the truth." I press my ear against his chest focusing on the rythmn of his heart finding it calming.

"And honestly I find the things they have to say about me quite amusing." He finishes and I roll slightly so I'm looking up at him so he can see my are you serious look. Picking up the magazine I flip through it until I find the small section that was dedicated to us this week, and dramatically clearing my throat I begin.

"Our sources say Leah Potter and her lanky red headed boyfriend, Fred Weasley are still going strong. Despite the fact that Potter strives for outstanding marks, and Weasley strives to add to his already long list of warnings, offenses, and detentions. Sources say the relationship won't last long."

I look back at him laying back down across his lap, but he's just smirking down at me. I'm not sure if he really doesn't, or if he's trying to make it seem so for my well being. "It really doesn't bother you?" I ask softly his smirk turning into a small smile.

"Why would it? I just got free publicity for all of my achievements." He teases and I chuckle, he's still looking down at me carefully inspecting me. "Can I see that?" I hand it over never lifting my head from his lap, and he inspects it in a very Fred Weasley way before lazily tossing it into the fire.

I'm about to ask him why he did that when Mara and George burst into the common room choking on their laughter. "I was just telling George about our CFMC lesson today, and how once all the coins were collected mine and Ron's nifflers started fighting each other because they had the most..." George taps her shoulder her laughter dying down as they both look at us.

"I think we are interrupting a moment Mar." He suggestively teases before they both disappear their ooos following them. "Why do we hang out with them again?" I ask hiding my blushing his robes.

"Well George is my twin so I have no choice, but you willingly hang out with her." He states matter of factly, and he has a point. When I roll back over he's leaned over and presses a sweet kiss to my lips lingering there briefly before pulling away because a few first years walk in.

"What was that for?"

"Just because."

The Ones That Lived~ Fred And George Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now