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Tristan Foley sits in between her brother and Clay Jensen as they await for the verdict to be announced in the courtroom. Justin hasn't let the girl leave his sight and his hand has been tightly holding her's since they left the police station.

The boy hasn't said much to his sister, mostly due to the raging guilt that has been brewing inside him since Tristan told the police what Bryce did to her. Justin knew it was going to be bad, but just listening to his baby sister admit to being sexually assaulted, makes the shame eat away at him. He should have noticed that something was going on between Bryce and Tristan. It shouldn't have been a dead girl's cassette tapes to bring light on the situation. Justin has always looked after his sister, so why didn't he realize what Bryce was doing?

"Hey, you okay?" Tristan's voice is quiet, but it breaks Justin from his thoughts.

He forces a smile at his sister, squeezing her hand, "Yeah, I'm fine."

The girl's eyes scan over him in an attempt to try to figure out what is going on inside his head.

"All rise." The bailiff announces and everyone begins to stand. "The Honorable Judge Martin Campbell presiding."

A door in the back opens and the judge clad in his black robes walks to his seat before addressing the room, "Be seated."

Tristan hooks her hands around Justin's arm as they sit back down on the bench, anxiety coursing through her veins. The judge calls for the jury to return and soon enough twelve people file out of a door and sit in the jury box. Judge Martin looks towards the jury and focuses on the woman standing up, "Madam Forewoman, have you reached a verdict?"

"We have, Your Honor," The woman's voice speaks up. Tristan glances up at Justin as her nails dig into his arm.

Judge Martin looks over the verdict before responding, "What say you?"

The room goes silent.

"We the jury in the case of Andrew and Olivia Baker vs. the Evergreen County School District, find the defendant... not responsible."

It feels as if Tristan has been punched in the stomach. The murmurs of the crowd fill the room and Judge Martin slams his gavel to the wood, "Come to order! Thank you litigators, and thank you jury, for your patience, deliberation, and service during this proceeding. This court is adjourned."

With one final pound of the gavel, Hannah Baker lost. Tristan's eyes meet Clay's and their solemn expressions share the same thoughts. This was supposed to be their victory; this trial was supposed to bring down the people who hurt Hannah Baker.

Tristan glances at the red headed woman sitting at the plaintiff table. Olivia Baker's face falls as she realizes that justice hasn't been brought to her daughter. No one is being held responsible for the pain her child had to endure.

Justin taps the girl's shoulder, silently telling her that it is time to go. Tristan stands up and follows her brother and Clay out of the courtroom, the three of them don't say a word as they meet up with their friends in the marbled hallway.

"This sucks." Alex huffs, hitting his cane against the floor in frustration. Justin's arm pulls his sister close to him, not wanting the girl to think too much on the trial's fate, even though that is all anyone can think about.

"Guys," Zach perks up, "Mrs. Baker is going outside."

The group of teenagers look to one another before they all begin to follow the woman's footsteps and head outside. Tristan spots the red head surrounded by cameras and news reporters. The girl turns around to her friends, who are still searching through the sea of people, "Hey, over here,"

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