Happy Birthday! | Tamaki Yotsuba X Reader

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You were walking back home after a tiring school days, today was suppose to be holidays time but you, being the class rep sure was tiring, that you have to go to school on the first three days of the holidays.

As you keep walking, your leg has stopped you from walking because you've stopped near a market.

'Well, its didn't hurt to buy something..' .

You walked in the market and saw ousama pudding in a medium size pack, containing 8 cup of ousama pudding inside. There were only three pack left. This remind you of Tamaki.

'Tamaki-kun would love it if someone gave him his favourite ousama pudding...' you told yourself as you smiled.

You took the basket and walk to the ousama pudding section.

'Oh i nearly forgot! Today was Tamaki-kun birthday!'

"Im buying it" you say as you took two pack of ousama pudding and put it inside the basket.

You looked at the one pack of ousama pudding left.

"Well, im gonna buy it all" you say and took the last ousama pudding pack.

Now the ousama pudding on the shelf were gone due to you buying all the three left ousama pudding.

You then took many more different kind of sweets because you like sweet stuff. You also love ousama pudding. This one pack of candy catch your eyes so suddenly, you stop and look at the flavour of the candy or i should say lollipop.

"Omg! Its ousama pudding flavour!" You yell a bit out of excitement and without thinking twice, you took the lollipop and immediately put it inside your basket. You buy four pack of the new ousama pudding flavour lollipop.
"One more..." you mumbled as you walked to the ice-cream section. Your eyes scan for one thing carefully and there!

"Ahh, only one left! But im glad they still have the ousama pudding ice cream flavour.." you say as took the ice cream and you put it inside your basket .

"I think that's enough.." you say as you walk to the casher and pay all of the things that you buy.

"Its not so bad today.." you mumbled as you went out and sat on one of the bench near the market.

Shaking your heart! (Say!)
Shaking your beat! -

You pulled out your ousama pudding phone from your pocket. You called it ousama pudding phone because your phone case was ousama pudding and there's one ousama pudding keychain hanging from your phone. You quickly type away your password, only to see one of the idol and also your friends calling you.

'What's wrong? He never call me before..' you thought to yourself but you immediately press the green circle mode.

"Hello?" You say.

"Ah... y/n-chan, can you come here?" The only one person that takes your heart say.

"Right now?" You asked him.

"Yeah come on!" He say.

"Sure.. but what's wrong? And where are you?" You asked him. There were two option, whether he is in their dorm or Takanashi Production.

"The production! hurry up y/n-chan!"

"Yeah, im on my way" you say and turned off the call immediately.

'What's wrong with him? Telling me to go to their production now..' You asked yourself as you lost in a deep thought .

"Oh, gotta hide some of my new ousama pudding lollipop, or Tamaki-kun gonna ate all of it" you told yourself and quickly took out two pack of your lollipop, one of the medium size ousama pudding, your other candy and put them inside your bag.

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