⭐Tagged 9

120 8 10

Hello. I was tagged again by HaruNyaChan17

So let's start the tag


1. Do you have other account other than this(the account you currently using now)?
- Hmm saa ne..

2. What's your friends like?
- Weird, nice.

3. Where were you 3 hours ago?
- Hm in the living room looking at my phone until now ;)

4. Confession
- I love Gaku and ZOOL.

5. Bad habits?
- Keeping long nails😅

6. Favourite place?
- Any place that sells anime merch/accessories.

7. What color is your toothbrush?
- Yellow and white I think..?

8. Can you drive?
- Not yet.

9. Birthday
- Tenn's & Riku's birthday date but plus one, the month is still the same.

10. Addiction
- Sweets (ice cream, candy, chocolate) and takoyaki..!

11. 3 pet peeves
- Uh..?

12. Last person you text
- Minami aka kyradavies

13. Zodiac sign
- Cancer.

14. Something you miss
- My blanket.

15. What song is suck in your head in the moment?
- Labyrinth by Haruka Isumi and Endless by Toma Inumaru.

16. Eyes colour?
- Brown-ish or black?

17. What state or part of the world do you live in?
- I won't tell you.

18. Favourite quote
- "You will be forgotten and left behind too"

19. Somewhere you would like to visit
- Japan..!

20. Do you like your name?
- Saa. Shiranai yo *shrug*

21. Favourite season?
- Dunno.

22. What type of phone do you have?
- realme – realmeNAMI (if you said it, it sounds like real Minami)

23. Something you're not excited for
- Presentation for English😶

24. How long does it take you to get ready
- For class?? Umm sometimes I need more time but sometimes nope.

25. Biggest fear
- Idk ...? Insect...

26. Favourite band
- Don't have so ZOOL😅

27. Favourite animal
- Of course neko.

28. Favourite person
- I won't tell anyone here ;9

29. One food you hate
- Many but one then, vegetables. I don't hate it but I just don't eat it except for cabbage :p .

30. Favourite movies
- I rarely watch movies so I don't have one.

31. Do you get gross by something easily?
- Not reallyy.. cuz I would put on my 'Oh that was it all about?' or 'Oh ok' face.

32. Relationship status
- Dunnoo..??


The people that I tagged hmm the same person as the last tagged before.. maybe


Ok that's all I'm too lazy to do more. Ja mata ne~

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