Pudding and Cookie Kiss | Tamaki Yotsuba X Haruka Isumi

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Awwh , with these two cute boy😍. Anywayy, this chapter also contains lemon (ofc). Well then enjoyy.

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-Breaktime at school-

Tama : *eat ousama pudding at his desk*

Haru : *went to his sit in childish manner*

Tama : *saw Haru but still eat*

Haru : *look at Tama while nibbling on his cookies*

Tama : Hmm? Nani Isumin? *eat*

Haru : You want? *show his cookies to Tama*

Tama : Sure! *look at Haru*

Haru : *bring his chair next to Tama desk and give Tama his cookies*

Tama : *take Haru cookies and eat it* You want? *show ousama pudding*

Haru : Sure! *open his mouth*

Tama : Hmm? *unsure but just feed Haru*

Haru : Umaii *munching*

Tama : Deshou?? *eat more*

Haru : *nodding*

Tama : More cookies.

Haru : *pout* Then more ousama pudding *feed Tama one cookies*

Tama : Hai! *give ousama pudding*

Haru : *open mouth* Aaah

Tama : *feed him*

Haru : mmmm! *enjoying*

Tama : Ne Isumin my ousama pudding is finish *sad*

Haru : Here! *feed Tama his cookies*

Tama : arigatou Isumin *munch*

Haru : *nod nod*

Tama : *smile*

Haru : *smile back*

-Ding dong ding breaktime over-

Haru : Aww.. No

Tama : Ahhh~ *lay head on table*

Haru : *pout, when back to his seat*

Tama : *lazy during class*

Haru : *always take a glance at Tama*

Tama : *daydreaming*

Haru : *stare at Tama*

Tama : *feel like someone staring at him, turn around saw Haru*

Haru : *blush, quickly look away*

Tama : *tilt head, make 'Hmm?' face*

Haru : *look down*

Tama : *lay his head down but facing Haru as he stare at Haru*

Haru : *take a glance at Tama but then blush when he saw Tama staring at him, quickly look at the blackboard*

Tama : *still stare*

Haru : *take a deep breath then look at Tama, lay his head on the desk too staring at Tama*

Tama : *stare more didn't even move a bit*

Haru : *stare more at Tama eyes*

Tama : *wink*

Haru : *blush but smiling*

Tama : *make lips like want to kiss*

Haru : *make his lips look like he's kissing Tama back*

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