⭐ Tagged 10

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Hi so I was tagged by HaruNyaChan17 again.

So let's start the tag.


1. Thing you cannot leave the house with
- Phone.

2. Favourite brand of make-up?
- I don't really wear makeup just use lips bam.

3. Favourite flower?
- I'm not a flower person so none.

4. Favourite clothing store?
- Hmm I'm not really sure.

5. Favourite perfume?
- Anything smell fine and not too strong smell perfume.

6. Heels or flats?
- I wear both so both.

7. Do you make good grades?
- Depending on the subject I had.

8. Favourite color(s)?
- Black and uhh turquoise? I think.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?
- Yeah I love Coca-Cola.

10. Do you drink juice?
- Hm yeah like orange juice.

11. Do you like swimming?
- I don't cuz I'm not a sport person.

12. Do you eat fries with fork?
- Sometimes yes.

13. What's your favourite moisturizer?
- I don't have one.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
- Uh no.

15. Do you get mad easily?
- Depends on the situation and maybe the person.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?
- Nope, too lazy.

17. Any phobias?
- Uh no?

18. Do you bite your nails?
- Rarely.

19. Have you ever had a experience near death?
- I don't.

20. Do you drink coffee?
- Yes but not as much I did in the last 2-3 years.


So the person that I tagged iss umm. Here


Just four of you then. I'm too lazy actually.

Then bye!

[DISCONTINUED] IDOLiSH7 One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now