Nanase Twins | Tenn Kujo X Riku Nanase

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"Gomen, im late" Apologize Tenn to his twin little brother as he opened the door.

"Its okay. I already finished the meeting" Say Riku as he smile to Tenn.

"I see" Reply Tenn.

"Did you eat anything when im gone?.. You must eat, Tenn-nii. Take care of your health. You have a concert later"

"Im fine" Say Tenn as he sit down on the sofa in the living room.

"No" Riku say as he continued saying,

"Eat something...Tenn-nii. Here. I bring something for you" as he give Tenn some snack which was Tenn quickly declined.

"Im fine..Riku"

"E-A-T" Whined Riku telling Tenn to just eat.

"If you say so.." Reply Tenn in defeat because he don't want to arguing with his little brother.

"Here" Say Riku as he gave Tenn the snack. Tenn just took the snack, opening it and eat.

"Arigatou.." Tenn mutter a thank you to Riku while munching on the snack. Riku just nodded at his big brother. Without Tenn knowing, Riku already sit beside him because Tenn was in a lost deep thought, he was thinking of something which was always on his mind just a past few days and he couldn't get it out of his mind. As Tenn was lost in his deep thought he eventually lend closer to Riku's lips

"Huh?" Riku make that sound, asking sound.

"Anything happened when i was gone, Tenn-nii?" Ask Riku as he comfortably pat Tenn hair but Tenn just ignored this question as Tenn just lift Riku's chin a little.

"Huh? Nani?" Ask Riku as he tilted his head a little bit. Tenn lend more closer to Riku as he was about to kiss Riku but he suddenly stopped and back away.

"Huh?" Ask Riku again because he was so confused of Tenn action just a while ago.

"What happen, Tenn-nii?" Ask Riku again as he touch Tenn cheeks with one of his hands. Tenn shook head telling Riku it was nothing.

"No.... You're lying again.." Reply Riku sadly as Tenn shook his head telling Riku that it's really nothing going on.

What Riku have to say next making Tenn to looked up at Riku, "Please tell me...Tenn-nii" say Riku as he kiss Tenn on the lips and back away slowly looking at Tenn waiting for Tenn to speak up.

But its seem that Tenn wouldn't speak up no matter what so Riku decided to speak more "Tell me..." .

Tenn decided to answer Riku as he smile "Its nothing.. Riku" .

"No!" Yell Riku at Tenn making Tenn to widened his eyes in surprised.

"You are always lying to me...
Just... Just tell me..." Beg Riku as he look sad.

"Its because i don't want to make you worried about me Riku" Tenn told him.

"That's the reason i worried. I can't calm down if you keep lying to me" Protest Riku back.

Tenn sighed as he gave up because there is no way that Riku will eventually giving up. "Fine... I tell you" say Tenn.

"But i only gonna say this once" Continued Tenn.


"Its just about yesterday.. nothing much" Say Tenn slowly.

"...." Riku stay silent waiting for Tenn to continued but no, Tenn wouldn't continued to speak up so Riku say,

"Okay... Then?"

"I think.." Trailed Tenn while Riku tilted his head in confusion "Hm? What?" .

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