A wonderful night

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After me and alexia where dropped off at the hotel we grabbed our things waved goodbye and ran inside. I got our room key and once we got up to our rooms we both screamed and hugged each other "Jonathan and Joe gave us their phone numbers I can't believe it!!!" I said happily. "I know right!!!!!" Alexia shouted. We turned on the tv, and quickly changed and took turns taking showers before we went to bed, well sat in bed. I opened up my phone and started typing in Jonathan's phone number I closed my phone and then went to sleep. "Tomorrow is a great day but tonight was a wonderful night." I mumbled. Alexia was up for a couple of hours I could tell because she didn't wake up until 12:00pm. I texted her I would be leaving to the training faculties and just my luck Jonathan was there just the man I wanted to see. I smiled and went up to him. He smiled and hugged me. "So Jonathan this is how you make first expressions" I asked "ya, Catie." He smirked, well late last night we texted each other many times until I passed out. I looked up into his blue eyes. "I love you." The words slipped out of my mouth as I leaned my head on him. I saw his eyes widen and he blushed as he looked down at me. We stood their for a moment swaying side to side, until alexia arrived and broke us up. "Okay lover birds let's get to work jeez!" She said looking at us. I smiled and walked inside with her. "UGHHH alexia I think I'm in love..." I said sitting down "oh really?" She said with some sarcasm. I chuckled and got up. I went into the room with the rings and began practicing how to move along the ropes, while alexia practiced roll up pins, bulldogs, and other moves.

I smiled until a practice match arrived I saw Jonathan walk in and I smiled. Soon Trinity came running at me and I dodged her, I used the ropes and bounced back doing a clothesline. I looked at her and grabbed her hair and slammed her down. I looked over to see alexia smiling. I smiled back and waited for Trinity to get up and then BAM! I speared her winning the practice match. Alexia smirked. "My turn." She said and walked in she was facing Nattie. She lunched herself at Nattie doing a spear like move knocking her down. I soon felt someone warm by me: Jonathan. I turned around and looked at him, then back at the match. I watched carefully as the match progressed, I was amazing by all the moves alexia did from DDTs to death defining leaps! She of course one the match, I thought the veterans where letting us win. Alexia soon came back and I gave her a hug. "Let's head back we had a long day." I said and Jonathan offered to drive us and we agreed. I couldn't wait for the next day, no more training just me and a new day.

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