Main event and a injury

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I woke up to see Jonathan sleeping right by me, I looked around to see the pizza all gone. I looked at Jonathan and he had sauce on his face. I stood up and grabbed my pillow throwing it at him. "You fools! You ate the pizza really?!" I tired not to sound loud since Alexia and Joe where still asleep. Jonathan shot up and looked at me. "Well SORRYYY!!! You two where asleep and we were hungry!" He shouted and that woke those two up. "Now look what you did!!" I yelled, while Joe and Alexia watched on "gosh those too woke us up... Well anyway this is how they will repay us.." I heard Alexia whisper to joe, I then lunged at Jonathan pushing him down. We rolled off the bed and Jonathan tired to do "dirty deeds" his signature move but I got out it and got him in a sleeper hold. Alexia shouted "WILL JONATHAN TAP?!" And Joe went up to Jonathan's face. "Come on bro tap tap!!" He cried and laughed. Soon the sleeper hold did just that, he passed out (well pretended.. -.- ). My heart pounded and there was dead silence I let go. "Um he isn't dead... The sleeper hold only last a minute so nothing to fright.." Said Alexia. But then Jonathan awoke and scared the crap out of us! "Jonathan!!!" I said and hugged him while he kissed my head. "Okay main event is tonight, I have a match against JER..." Alexia stopped Jonathan "DONT SAY IT!!!!" She shouted. "Jericho....?" He said it. I screamed like a little girl, "Y2J!!!! YASS!!" I shouted "okay okay calm down!" He said kissing me to make me stop shouting, "okay and roman you are fighting UMM..." He looked at his phone while tired to use his phone I grabbed it from him and opened up for the schedule. "Ah yas, thanks babe. Okay now roman your fighting RVD and Alexia you get to fight Nikki...." He said and Alexia's smile faded "I hate her...." She said "okay and Cathryn you get to fight wait... Your fighting Nikki too your in a tag team match with Alexia Ohhh." He said and we all laughed.

5 hours later...

I looked at Cathryn she was wearing a stunning black tang top that showed her stomach and it had neon blue straps and stripes. Also she was wearing white SpanDexs that had black stripes on them. I came up and hugged her. "Okay bæ, I and roman are gonna go while you ladies meet up with up in an hour, okay? Because your tag team match is the main event and it takes about 15 minutes to get to the arena today so you won't have much trouble." I said kissing her cheek. "Okay bye my love." I said and she blew me a kiss goodbye.

While Cathryn was wearing something that looked like work out clothes I was wearing a short t shirt that was white and had my blue ripped jean shorts but my shirt had a purple flower on it. As we were down dressing we drove off to the main event. Once we got there it was time for our event, we both entranced at different times. Nikki Bella came out with Steph, me and Cathryn looked at each other. "Why is the boss fighting with us...?" I asked and we both looked at them. The bell rang and I began fighting nikki. We both had an amazing match but then I tagged it Cat. She pulled Nikki away from Steph and began punching her like crazy, the ref had to pull her off and Nikki kicked her in the mouth. Cathryn fell and Nikki tried to pin her.

" 1.........2.....! Kick out!" The ref said. Then nikki grabbed her for the rack attack. Cathryn shoulder was in a weird spot so when Nikki did it Cathryn held her shoulder in pain. Nikki tried to pin her again when I ran in and attacked her leading to a DQ. After that main event ended and Cathryn went to the wwe medical area to get her shoulder looked at as Jon stood outside the door. Cathryn had to stay over night so Jon stayed and I and roman went back to the hotel.

Alexia and Cathryn: WWEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz