The top dogs of the divas division

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Alexia and I had become the top dogs of the divas division. We shot a promo about it where we called out AJ who calms to be the savior of the division. So now next raw we had a handy cap match with her. But that was important at the moment Joe and Alexia rented a house right by us and Jon and I where alone for once. I was watching tv when Jon came downstairs and walked around funny. "What's wrong with you?" I asked "oh nothing just half tired and I'm a lunatic so this I -yawns- normal...." He said groggy eyed and wobbling. I ran over and looked at him. "Looks like you need a wake up call." I smirked and got my phone and playing Randy orton's theme and RKOED him "OUTTA NO WHERE" I said at least where we on carpet so it didn't hurt. Jon then stood up and looked at me he then began to walk away "oh I'm sorry..." I said and then he RKOED me "now that was OUTTA no where" he smirked and I got up "okay YA you got me.." I said and began to walk into the kitchen. I began to cook breakfast when Alexia called me

"What is it bish?"
"Just bored that's all ALSO MY WEDDING IS NEXT WEEK!" She screamed
"OMG WE HAVE TO GO AND GET STUFF!" I said and hung up.

"JON I HAVE TO GO HELP ALEXIA WITH HER WEDDING LIKE BRUH!" I said "CALM DOWN GIRL!" He said "SORRY IM SO HYPER BAI LOVE YOU!" I said and went outside and drove to their rental house. Once I got there Alexia ran out and joe waved goodbye. "Why did we rush....?" I said "idk..." She said and we got out and went inside to their rental house. "This is nice for a rental." I said and she sat down. "YA joe just burnt out waffles.." She said pouting "oh crap I left Jon alone he can't even find food.." I huffed "same with joe!" She said and joe huffed "maybe.." After an hour of watching tv we went off to go out. "Wait do we have too..." I huffed "let's just go train." And Alexia nodded.

We decided that we wouldn't go and when we got to a gym we took pictures with fans that saw us and we also signed some papers or posters. We both worked out in our PJ's not caring about it. Then after an hour we left and went to Cat's house, when we walked in Jon was on the ground acting like he was dying. "I..... Need.... Food..." He said hugging his stomach. "WOW YOU COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING?!" I said and flung a poptart at him. "FOOD!!" He said and began eating like a mad man. "Well this reminds me of my home in Ohio.." I said looking up "there was like never any food.. Well there was but none I wanted to eat, my older brother agreed" cat said laughing and Jon looked at me "well i had it worse.." He said sadly and I went over and hugged him "I know babo.. But everything is better now." Cat said hugging him still and Alexia hugged us as well. "Okay okay! Let's change or something because my pjs SMELL!!" I said making them stop hugging me and I ran upstairs to shower as Joe came by. "What why are you here?!" Cat asked "because I was lonely." He pouted " Well you and Jon can hang out because me and cat Want to hang out ALSO WE GET THE BASEMENT!" I heard her shout and a door close.

15 minutes later..

After I got out of the shower and went downstairs me and cat practiced wrestling well watching wwe countdown. We practiced for awhile because when we stopped it was 5, by then we called the boys down but only for them to go out and get Chinese food, but Alexia asked them to get her Mexican because she HATED Chinese food. When they got back we ate and then we all dozed off: the boys upstairs and us downstairs and we all had the rest of the week off until next Monday.

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