TLC & Christmas

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TLC was right upon us, I was training eagerly and I could wait to put nikki Bella through a table and show her who the boss around her is and why she doesn't deserve the WWE intercontinental championship. Before The show began many people got their early and me and Alexia where checking out the arena when we meet some fans, signed papers, and took pictures. But as the time for the gates to open arrived we hurried to our locker rooms and changed into our ring gear. "Alexia don't you have a match tonight?" I said wetting my hair, "yes I do against AJ, and Paige, paige became a contender because she was the last divas champion so we are having a triple threat match for my two titles." She said "oh you know I have a match against nikki also I am making it a Chairs match, plus it's right before the main event!" I smiled as I left the locker room.

After cat left the locker room I began stretching and getting ready, as I left joe was there waiting "hey babe" he said standing up. "Hey, who are you fighting tonight hun?" I asked smiling "I get to fight Colby." He stated "but isn't Jon fighting him...?" I asked confused "yes." He said "but wouldn't you be fighting Jon then?" I stated confused as ever "no, we are having a handicap match me and Jon against Colby in TLC match, winner of that match gets to put the loser(s) at 1 & 2 or 1 at the royal rumble because those are the unluckiest numbers." Joe explained "well I don't want you to be first eliminated so do good Rommy" I smiled and kissed his cheek before going to the divas dressing room, where me and Cat met up again.

1 hour later..

After the pre-show the PPV began and after all the matches, each one causing Happiness and sadness my match was on. I came out with my two titles, my divas title on my waist and my US title on my shoulder. Then Aj came out following her came Paige and once the ref held up my titles the match began. Paige and I went after Aj and threw her out of the ring, then we had a show down until Aj came back in again. We all worked up sweats and some of us couldn't even stand, but I had sat down in one of the corners of the ring as Paige gave Aj the "Paige turner". I had to act fast so then I got up and gave my move the "nightmare", and then I pinned her and regained my titles. I smiled happily grabbed my titles and left the ring, once I got to the divas locker room cat hugged me. "YOU DID IT!" She smiled "even against two other divas you still pulled it off!" She punched my shoulder "thanks cat.. Can I have some water? I'm tired from that much fighting for these things.." I mumbled and Cat came back with water and I sat down and began drinking it and watched the rest of the PPV until cat had to go do her match. "Good luck cat." I said before she left.

After I had left the divas locker room I had my IC title around my waist and as I came out the crowd cheered me on. I was wearing a gray tank top with my logo on it, and Jean shorts with combat boots. Once I got in the ring nikki came in and I scolded at her as she did her flip in the ring. After the bell rang I ran out of the ring and grabbed a chair, as nikki came out I smashed the chair on her back again and again until she grabbed it from me and beat me with it. That match seemed like forever and right as nikki was going to give me the rack attack, I reversed it and gave her a DDT and then a spear and pinned her regaining my title. I smiled and walked out of the ring, well barely did it because I was in pain but then up next was the boys match.

As I got into the divas locker room the match began and Jon began beating on Colby, tagged in Joe and this went on for awhile with either joe & Jon getting the upper hand or Colby getting the upper hand. But as the PPV was ending Joe and Jon won by Jon putting Colby through a table and then beating him with chairs and joe climbing to the top and grabbing the contract so Colby would be the first to enter at the royal rumble. I got to say that PPV was amazing and one of the best to end the year. After that we all went to our hotel to rest until the next day.

A couple days later..

Jonathan and I went back to Ohio to my city to celebrate Christmas with my family as Alexia and joe went to Florida to celebrate Christmas with Joe's family. We had an amazing time and I couldn't wait for New Years, it was great to see my family again even my sister from Iowa came back to see me and I was pretty happy about that. We all got amazing gifts and Jon made many friends like with my brother, dad, uncle and my cousin. Trust me it was a great Christmas Eve that day and me and Jon where going to celebrate New Year's Eve here too by having a big party and I wonder if joe and Alexia would join. But now we had off of TV so we could spend time with family. I couldn't wait until the new year.

BOOK ONE IS FINISHED! I will be working on the second story next year and it will began at 12:00am on New Year's Day and it will involve the couples talking about having children, and in the wwe careers there will be injures, and making movies and having a break from wwe as the careers go on. Hope you enjoyed book one! :D

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