A day before the day

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Once we left Pizza Hut after having two pizzas ( both pepperoni ) we moaned "so much food...." I said and my phone buzzed "can you drive...? To lazy" I laughed and Alexia laughed "sure you answer your phone bish" she said and went outside and I looked at my phone

Jon: Hey cat! We are going back to the hotel and Imma ask you a question.

Me: Okay see you soon.

After that we left Pizza Hut and came back to the hotel, we both took the elevator because we were to full to walk up 2 flights of stairs. We entered and saw the boys they both had tuxes on "wow fancy anyway what was the question?" I said punching him on the arm "ow! Um anyway.... I wanted to ask if you want to move in with meh!" He said. I chuckled "sure" to full to scream and Joe asked the same to Alexia and she said yes. After that everyone began packing ( mostly we had Joe and Jon be our slaves since we ate so much and Did not feel like moving ). But after maybe 2 hours they had all the stuff packed "so um my wedding is soon... A day before the day I guess... Friday it is Friday... Well um" I stopped while being nervous "calm down sweetheart." Jon said and I calmed down and after that we all went to the homes that were now ours.

Alexia and Cathryn: WWEWhere stories live. Discover now