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Moon felt at home. She was, of course, terrified, but the arena was a lot like where she had lived.

She knew everything here. A waterfall where she collected her water was nearby, a banana tree where she got her food. A clearing where the air was fresh.

She thought she knew everything, but after 3 days she still had no idea a rival was living in the waterfall.

"Ow!" Moon gasped as she was slammed into a tree. A vine wove itself around her and the tree, tying her in place. Moon's brain was screaming in terror, but then a head popped out of nowhere. "Kinkajou?"




"Alliance." Winter replied, looking surprised. A second later, his expression was wiped away, and he was looking dark and gloomy.

"Great! So, ONE thing." Qibli said.

"What?" Winter asked, looking bored. "No one touches Moon. If she dies, we move on. We don't protect her. No killing her."

"I agree to your terms." Agreed Winter.


Peril was lonely. Meeting Clay had made her happy, and now she was ticked.

"How dare he put me in a fight just to see if I'll kill." She muttered under her breath, nervously watching the trees. If there was a camera nearby, she could be killed off.


Just then, a crackle lit the sky. She heard a startled yelp, and then a scream, and then silence. "WHO WAS THAT!" She yelled. There was no reply.

A lightning bolt lit a tree to her left on fire. Peril smiled. Maybe she didn't have to kill anyone and make Clay mad. If there was a forest fire, she was fireproof anyway.

"I wonder if they're dead." She asked the sky, knowing it would show the dead in a minute or two, but nothing came.

Weird. She thought. Maybe unconscious or hiding.

"Who was that!" She cried, and got a pained groan in reply.

"Are you DYING?" She demanded. "Do I have to be scared of you?" She darted through a gap in the trees, killing grass as she stepped on it.

She saw Turtle, rubbing the stone along his back, which was burnt.

"Oh no." He whispered. "Ummm— TREE! Fall and—"

Peril was seized with panic. Forgetting Clay's disapproval, she covered his mouth, trying to shut the secret animus up.

There was a muffled screech of agony.

And then Turtle went still, and he died.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I wasn't ready to die." She explained, half expecting Turtle to stand up and kill her.

He didn't, he was dead.

Wings of Fire (Jade Winglet) Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now