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Kinkajou couldn't believe what she'd just done. She had won! She had only killed two people, but she won.

As a weird flying aircraft picked her up, she wondered if Moon was watching in heaven. She was brought through the crowds of Capitol dragons smiling and waving, but really she was mostly aiming it at her ally.

The hole in her chest that wouldn't ever refill — somehow, it would. Kinkajou would make it refill.

She she was seated in front of the crowd, and the screens lit up, she wanted to shut her eyes. What if Umber really did die from her venom?

But somehow, Kinkajou's eyes were glued to the screens. This was probably the last time she would see Moon.

She watched the opening ceremonies again, and appreciated all of her cheers— much more than the others had. She saw them all doing their interviews, and then being loaded into the arena.

She saw herself, shooting black venom straight at Umber, although it caught only his shoulder. She sighed in absolute relief.

She watched Umber tumble into the trees, walking around blindly. Winter and Qibli gathered weapons, neither seeing each other yet— and then Umber was back. He took aim with his knife, and Winter threw his, and then Umber missed.

Kinkajou shuddered as Umber felt to the ground, and died, his eyes blank. Winter made an alliance with Qibli, confusing Kinkajou to the point where she completely missed herself tying Moon up.

That was fine, she had been there. She watched herself offer an alliance, and Moon accept.

Turtle ran into Peril, the first time Kinkajou saw him since the interviews. He was kind of cute. Not sparkly cold like Winter or hot like Qibli, mind you, but still cute.

She watched Peril grab him and she almost cried out as black scorch marks spread across his face.

She watched Moon and Winter in the clearing. Winter wasn't attacking Moon, she realized. He was muttering and talking to her. Kinkajou realized he had tears in his eyes. He shouted at the air (which, by the way, was not where they were observing the scene from), "I'm in love with a NightWing. HEAR THAT, MOTHER?!? I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO! I'M IN LOVE WITH A NIGHTWING!"

Kinkajou saw a dagger fall, drop from the heavens like a missile, and she screamed as it embedded itself into Moon's chest. She muttered something Kinkajou couldn't make out, and Kinkajou snapped as her eyes went blank. She screamed every insult she knew at the Capitol, out loud and in her head. Moon had been her best friend ever. The Games were cruel, the hosts were heartless, and her sister was a bitch.

In her head, she cursed that dagger. She wanted that dagger to kill President Burn's family and loved ones just as it had killed hers, Winter's and Qibli's.

That was it. She calmed down a second after that, because she needed to watch. The angry shouting had released all of her energy.

Kinkajou watched Qibli and Winter's battle to the death with a smile on her face once again. Only her eyes revealed her sadness.

She saw Qibli turn the knife on himself and finally managed to shut her eyes. She didn't want to see anyone else die ever again.

As the film ended, Kinkajou was applauded, she was informed that she would be the very first victor ever of the RainWings. She knew somewhere at home, her tribe was applauding happily, although they almost certainly had no idea Kinkajou had even won, or who she was.

The thought comforted her. At least they didn't know she killed Peril, and played a part in the death of Umber.

Maybe she would appreciate being in a part of the world where no one cared about the Hunger Games.

Maybe she could heal.

Wings of Fire (Jade Winglet) Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now