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Kinkajou slipped through the trees to find Peril. Peril the perilous. Peary the scary.

She was camouflaged and quiet. She had no load to make noise.

It was just Kinkajou and Peril left, and Kinkajou wouldn't let Peril win. The Games were HERS. Her sister RAN them, for goodness sake. She should be able to do this.

A sharp stench of fresh smoke burned Kinkajou's nose. She followed it stealthily.

And then Kinkajou saw the golden glow of fire, and a girl who looked like her skin was molten gold, and her hair danced like flames. She looked like she needed to pee. Oh wait— she was sneaking up on a rabbit.

As Peril lunged to grab the rabbit, her fingers brushed a berry bush, which burst into flames. She cursed loudly, with no regard for stealth. As she turned to the bush, Kinkajou shot venom straight at her face.

Peril screamed and scratched at her eyes, but the damage was done. Kinkajou watched as Peril's body fell lightly to the ground, her fire finally extinguished.

Kinkajou had won.


Wings of Fire (Jade Winglet) Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now