Scores for Training

918 14 11

Qibli stared intensely at the board. Scores were beginning to pop up.

Moon was first. Moon - 9.

Wonder what she did. Qibli thought. Probably made a shelter, she did so good in Public Training.

Next was Winter, who only got a 4. Ouch. Qibli hoped he had gotten a better score than Winter. He probably went on a rant about the IceWing royal family and how they OUGHT to give Queen Glacier's nephew a 12. Qibli decided.

Next was Kinkajou. RainWings were known for being lazy, useless, and clueless, so Qibli was expecting a 6 at the highest. Kinkajou's name popped up.
11! Qibli gasped in astonishment. Both he and Kinkajou glanced towards the Gamemakers, who nodded.

What could she DO? No camouflage paint, with her hair, she was trash at weapons...

Next was Turtle. The nervous forgettable boy. Hmm... what could Turtle do?

7. He probably held his breath or swam laps. Impressive, but not quite useful.

Then Qibli's name popped up. Underneath it... a 9.

He grinned. 9 was a pretty good score, as far as Qibli was concerned.

Peril, the screen showed.


Wow, what'd she do? Fiery Peril, they say, she'll kill any dragon she comes into contact with.

Can they even HAVE .5s?



Oh wow. I thought Umber was more talented than that. I wonder what he did to get such a low score.

Or maybe he's trying to seem pathetic. Maybe that's what Winter did. I shouldn't underestimate anyone.

Okay, I'm ready.

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