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I step out into the warm air, watching as students fill out all around me. I lean myself against the brick wall of my new school, right beside an empty bicycle rack.

I pull a pair of sunglasses—that were once my mothers—over my eyes and kick a rock that's under my boot, watching it skip off into the distance.

A moment passes, a moment of conversation and laughs, gossip and drama. Then, it's silent. Like I could hear a pin drop.

I wait to hear my aunts rusted old Pontiac, that's almost a decade old. But until then, I pull out a cigarette from my purse and a lighter to go with it.

I hold the cigarette to my lips, igniting the flame of the lighter and pressing the flame to it. I listen as the burning flame burns the stick.

I take a drag, throwing the lighter back into my purse and listen as a pair of boots scrape against the concrete, drawing nearer.

As I'm looking down, I notice the boots stop in front of me, a pair of leather black leather boots, blue bell-bottom jeans and a floral printed, button up shirt. A pair of sunglasses—similar to my moms—is hooked on the collar of his shirt.

"You shouldn't be smoking those, Sweetheart," The voice says and I look up to meet the face as he takes the cigarette from in between my fingers, sticking them between his lips.

"I'm not your sweetheart," I hiss at the blue-eyed, curly-haired boy. He ignores my comment, as I snatch my cigarette back from him.

"You're the girl who watched her parents die, right?" An amused look plays on the boys face.

"Piss off," I spit to the boy. What a rude thing to ask, so cruel. I give him a disgusted look and begin to walk away.

"I'm Steven. Steven Hyde. What's your name, Sweetheart?" He calls after me and I turn angrily.

"My name is none of your concern. And I'm not going to tell you again, I'm not your Sweetheart." I almost yell to the boy, angrily throwing my lit cigarette in his direction.

It lands right next to his boot and he bends down to pick it up.

In the distance, I can hear the engine of my Aunt Penny's car. Just a moment later, she pulls up. Honking and waving at me happily.

"See ya later, Sweetheart." Steven calls, taking a hit of the cigarette and waving in my direction with a smirk on his face.

I glare at him and I crawl into the car, slamming the door and looking ahead.

Aunt Penny drives off and I watch Steven in the mirror, taking another hit of the cigarette then flicking it away, waving again.

What a creep.

sweetheart ; steven hyde (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now