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why me

"Alright kids," The kind nurse walks in with a cheery smile. "I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over." I feel a pit of sadness grow in my stomach and frown.

"Just five more minutes?" I almost beg and she shakes her head with a frown.

"I'm sorry doll, but no." I continue to frown and watch as the group stands.

"We'll be here, Lana. We're not going anywhere." Donna says with a smile, causing me to feel a bit better.

"Thank you guys." I say kindly and watch as they all wave themselves out.

"Good friends you got there," The nurse says, reading a clipboard in her hands, then checking my IV.

I nod, not saying anything but watching as she jots something down on her paper.

"Just a few more tests, and I think you're good to go." She smiles and I shrug.

"Tonight?" I ask.

"That's up to the doctor, hon." She smiles, then flips papers and tucks the clipboard at her side. "He'll be in any minute." She smiles, then leaves the room.

I'm left by myself in the cold room and wait in silence for what feels like forever. I groan and look up at the ticking clock above the door.

It read half past four and I sigh with exhaustion.

Moments later, the door clicks open, revealing an older looking man with gray hair and thick black glasses.

"Lana, I'm doctor Jackson." He smiles and I look up at the rather big man.

He stands at least six foot tall with broad shoulders. He's the exact opposite of what I imagined a doctor to be.

"We're not really sure what happened here, we think you passed out due to stress or anxiety. Tests show you were dehydrated and just a but malnourished, but nothing too extreme. I'd say you'll be free to go by tonight."

I let out a sigh if relief, but my hopes are crushed from his next words.

"But you won't be able to go straight home."

I pull my eyebrows together and look at him.

"I'm going to need you to stay at our ward upstairs for about a week, for counseling. Your boy- Steven's court date is scheduled for the 17th which you will need to attend as a witness."

I clench my teeth in anger. Then I begin to cry.

"Why me?" I question to no one in particular. Why me, why me? I repeat in my head and I shove my face in my hands as I cry.

"I'm sorry things worked out like this, Lana." He says, pity in his voice as I wipe away my shower of tears.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down, but anger and sadness and fear and loneliness all build up inside of me at one time.

"Thank you, doctor." I say, hiding my pain with a toothy smile.

He nods once, then excuses himself before he leaves the room.

Once again, I'm left by myself.

sweetheart ; steven hyde (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora