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the apology

I wake up the next morning, begging myself to stay in bed. I groan at the thought of getting up and being productive.

But, I stand anyway and lazily walk to my dresser. I take out a yellow crop top with a pink flower on it, and a pair of light blue bell-bottom jeans.

I sigh, going to the bathroom and taking a shower and brushing my teeth. I head back to my room and slip on a pair of converse then grab my bag.

I throw my cigs and a lighter in my bag then go downstairs.

As soon as I reach the bottom, the smell of weed hits me and I meet Aunt Penny in the kitchen who has a joint in her hand.

"Good morning," She smiles and I do the same. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl in the center of the table and take a bite.

"Well, I'm off. I'll see you later." I take the joint from her hands and take a hit, exhaling the smoke and handing it back to her, then leaving the house.

The walk to school is quiet and relaxing, the morning wind hits my face, gently blowing my hair. I smoke a cig on my way but then flick it away when I'm about the enter the school.

The day is long and boring, no one really talks to me, and I'm glad for that.

I think people are intimidated by me, or something. I'm the girl who was there when her parents died, and back in my hometown people even thought I was to blame.

Finally, the day ends and I'm on my way home when I hear boots scratching on the concrete behind me. I groan.

"Lana May," Steven Hyde's voice says behind me, and I pick up my pace, ignoring any of his comments.

"Stop ignoring me, Sweetheart." He calls again and I stop. I turn and look at him.

Here I go again, once I say I'm going to ignore him, I'm back on my bullshit and inserting myself into his bullshit.

"Listen, I don't know what you're trying to do, but you need to stop. No more following me, showing up at my house. I don't want to be your friend," I turn back around and continue walking.

"Lana listen," Steven begins. "I'm sorry about those things I said. I'm sorry, I'm resentful. I really am sorry, and I never apologize to anyone ever, so please, just give me a second chance." I almost agree.

It's such a soft moment, but almost unbelievable. Steven Hyde does not seem like the type to come crawling back.

I ignore him, and continue to walk. The sound of his boots never leave and I just continue to walk.

He doesn't speak another word, and I continue to stay silent until we reach our houses.

"I'll see you later?" He questions, breaking our silence. I look at him as he looks at me and I don't say anything for a moment.

"I'll see you later," Is all I say before turning and entering my house. Throwing my bag beside the door and heading straight upstairs.

Steven Hyde gives me a headache.

I rub my temple, and go into the bathroom, searching the medicine cabinet for something that could ease the pain.

I grab some Tylenol and swallow the pill and walk to my room. I take off my clothes, leaving me in my bra and undies, then crawl under my covers for a nap.

I wake up to crashing and banging downstairs, so I stand to investigate the noise. But first throw on a clean-ish shirt from the end of my bed and a pair of cotton shorts.

I follow the noise to the living room and my Aunt is laying on a brand new couch, the old one in the middle of the hallway.

The one and only Steven Hyde is standing in front of our old couch.

"I got a new couch Lana," She expands her arms to showcase the new piece of furniture.

I look at Steven. Sunglasses cover his eyes.

"Oh, and this nice boy from across the street helped me. Says he knows you from school," I scoff and turn, making my way to the kitchen and grabbing a glass from the strainer, filling it with water and gulping it.

"Hey," Steven's voice says behind me as I place the cup in the sink.

"Hi," I say back, not turning to face him. I hear the legs of the chair scrape against the floor.

"How was your day," He asks. I feel a smirk appear on my face and I roll my eyes.

Nice small talk, I say to myself.

"It was fine," I turn to look at him, He's sitting with his arms crossed, facing me and I lean against the counter.

He nods, and silence fills the room, I avoid eye contact and look at the chipped red nail polish that covers my toes.

"You know, I'm sor..."

"Enough," I say, stopping him. "I've heard what you had to say." I look at him.

He just nods.

"Well, I've got to. I'll see ya around." He stands, exiting the kitchen and I listen as he says something to Aunt Penny, then the door opens and closes.

I take my bag and walk back upstairs, throwing it on my bed and taking a seat beside the bag.

I grab the pack of cigs from in there, pull one out and light it, then take out the homework I was assigned, doing it.

The res of the night is kind of boring, Maxx and I eat dinner with Aunt Penny, then watch some television with her for a little bit.

Then, I start to get tired so I tell them goodnight and brush my teeth, then crawl into my bed and cuddle into the blankets.

sweetheart ; steven hyde (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now