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let me come inside

At around eight is when the sun starts to set, so gather everything up and get ready for our trip home.

Sometime during the ride, I had fallen asleep and woken up with my head rested on Hyde's shoulder.

His head is rested on top of mine, and I occasionally hear a faint snore.

"Do you think he likes her?" Eric asks and I hear a shift. I don't open my eyes. Instead, I listen.

"Seems like it, but you never know with Hyde. Remember when he said he didn't like Jackie?," She almost whispers the last part.

I feel a terrible pit form in my stomach.

I knew there was something between Hyde and Jackie—or was.

I rise my head, acting like I just woke up and I listen as the car falls completely silent.

"Uh, we were just talking about stopping for some ice cream," Eric rushes out, and looks over at Donna who looks back at me and nods.

"Sounds good," I saw and look over at Hyde. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, younger even. His sunglasses are rested at the top of his head, holding his hair back.

He stirs, and his eyes flutter open and I look out the window, as if i weren't just staring at him.

Then suddenly, all the windows roll up and we all give Eric a confused look.

Then the smell hits me and a gag escapes my lips.

"What the hell man, what died inside you," Hyde complains sleepily and covers his nose with his shirt.

We all gasp for air and then Donna rolls down her window, letting fresh cool air replace the horrid smell of Eric's ass.

"Silent but deadly," He winks and pulls into the parking lot of an ice cream shop.

"Anyone care for some ice cream?" Eric says in a sing-song voice.

Hyde pats my shoulder and a burning sensation fills my entire body as I let out a shriek.

"Ow!" My eyes well with tears.

"Aw, sweetheart you got a little sunburn," his eyes land on my thighs, they're the color of a tomato.

"Want me to kiss it better?" He asks me like I'm a child and I roll my eyes at him.

We all hop out the car, and wait in line.

"I wonder where Jackie and Kelso went,"

Hyde chuckles, then says "probably fucking on a deserted road somewhere," This makes us chuckle.

We order, I get mint chocolate chip, Hyde gets birthday cake, cookie dough for Eric and a simple vanilla cone for Donna.

We all gather around a picnic table.

"You know mint chocolate chip is the worst ice cream flavor in like, the whole world," Hyde says with a mouthful of ice cream.

"And birthday cake isn't? Literally how can birthday cake be a flavor when a birthday cake can be any flavor?" I say with an attitude.

Hyde takes a scoop of ice cream onto his finger, then wipes it on my cheek. "Suck my dick, sweetheart." He says with a smirk.

"Don't tempt me, Steven Hyde." I say and look over at the pair across from us, their eyes glued to us.

We all finish our cones in an awkward silence after Hyde and I's exchange of words. And once we're done, we climb into the car.

"Play some Zeppelin," Hyde says to Eric.

"No play Bee Gees," Donna retaliates. Hyde and Donna go back and forth on what to listen to, but Eric ignores them and "Lola" starts to play softly on the background.

The rest of the ride is pretty silent, besides a few snarky comments from Hyde.

Eric drops Hyde and I off at home, and I wave goodbye to them as I crawl out the car.

"Let me come inside," Hyde says lowly, making sure Donna or Eric doesn't hear him.

"Hyde! Thats inappropriate. At least take me out to dinner first," I smirk at him as the sound of the engine of the car disappears into the night.

Hyde follows me inside.

sweetheart ; steven hyde (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now