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Hell on Earth.

By the end of the day, not only am I physically exhausted, but emotionally as well.

I was freed from the needles but prisoned again by an atrocious green uniform (similar to scrubs.)

I now sit in a waiting room, tapping my foot impatiently and biting at the skin around my nails.

"Lana May?" A melodic voice calls. My head snaps up to see a young, skinny blonde woman wearing a nurses cap and gown.

She smiles down at me, almost forced.

"Follow me, please." I sigh and stand, barely being able to keep myself up as I follow the young girl, who couldn't be much older than I am.

I follow her down what seems like the longest hallway I've been down. It feels as if it never stops and just gets darker.

"Lana, I am Daisy. I know you're probably really confused right now, but I promise this is for the best." She suddenly stops in front of a door that read "5b". I stare at the silver as it screams at me.

"This is your assigned room." She places her hand in the chipping gold handle and pushes it open slowly, presenting a blindingly bright room.

The windows have no curtains, but have bars on them. Two beds sit on either side of the room, nothing but a white sheet and a pillow keeping them company.

It looks terrible, something you would only see in a film.

The walls are too white and boring; nothing but a painting on the far left wall.

Only one dresser; no closet. Theres a rough brown carpet covering the floor.

I frown.

The other side seems to be taken up by someone. The table has a book and a lamp, nothing more.

The sheets are out of place and wrinkled.

I wince at the sight.

"Silly Dorris can't clean up after herself." She walks over to the bed where she sets her clipboard on the table and neatly organizes the bed to match the other.

"We will go over rules later, shall we continue?" She walks past me and I follow.

We walk past more doors that look exactly the same as the one I just saw.

"This is the common room. Everyone hangs out here during the day. Quite cozy," She scrunches her nose with a smile as I look around.

Girls of all ages lounge around, some reading books on a yellow couch, some on their stomachs as their chins are perched on the hands watching the television.

There's an unoccupied pool table. But the table next to that has a group playing cards and smoking cigarettes.

My eyes wander the crowd, wondering who Dorris is.

Is it the old lady reading the book on the couch? or was it the young brunette with her head in her hand?

I clench my jaw and sigh deeply.

This place has to be Hell on Earth.

Then Daisy takes me to the cafeteria.

The room is small, just a bit bigger than the bedrooms.

Three long, white tables take up the majority of the room with matching chairs.

A few paintings hang on the yellow walls.

"We'll meet here every morning at 7 am, then for lunch at noon then dinner at 6." She says as if she's reading off of a script.

"Rules are very simple. Lights off by 9, wake up at 7 and eat. Or don't, it's up to you. Only advised bathroom breaks and showers. You'll learn the rest very quickly." She says with a smile and I scoff coldly.

"Now, if you'd like you could join the other girls in the commons and have dinner with us in about an hour, or you can stay in your room." She gives me the two options as if they were waiting in a silver platter.

I choose the second option and find my way back to my room.

The room is depressing and cold, so I lay myself on the stiff bed and wrap myself under the thin sheet.

I click the dim light off beside my bed and struggle to get comfortable as roll over to face the wall.

Why the hell am I here?"

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