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what happened to hyde

Beeps and mumbles cause my eyes to flutter to open, I'm laying face up with needles stuck in my arm.

I look around the bright hospital room. I'm alone and I try to sit up, but my head throbs at my attempt.

I groan and put my hand over the pain.

I look around once more, then the door clicks open and a nurse walks in.

"Oh, you're up." She says cheerful, a tray of food placed in her hands firmly.

"Hungry?" She asks and I don't respond.

"What happened?"

"You passed out, hun. You were dehydrated. We're still running some tests, you should be ready to go by tonight." The young lady rambles and I roll my eyes.

"Where's Steven?" I ask and she shoots me a look that's hard to decipher. Instead, she points to the television in the corner of the room that's playing the news quietly.

"A suspect was arrested late last night for the murder of Gary Jenkins. Steven Hyde was the main suspect of the killing of local gas station owner."

My body drops and my heart falls to the deepest pit of my chest.

A knock echoes throughout the room, and the nurse calls out "Come in!" My eyes move to the figure. Tall, dark and built.

He clears his throat and nods towards the nurse. She nods in response, then finishes up what she's doing before calmly walking out.

"What's going on?" I ask, almost in a daze as my head spins faster.

"Lana, I'm detective Jacobs. Mind if I sit?" He motions to the chair at the end of my bed and I shake my head slowly.

He smiles, sitting himself in the chair and flips open a notepad.

He begins to jot something down, glance at his clock, then start to write again.

"I have a few questions about Steven Hyde." He says and I feel my eyes pool with tears.

"Is he okay?" I ask, voice shaking.
"Steven is okay. How are you feeling?" He asks and I make a sound, somewhere between a scoff and a sigh.

"Tired, confused." I answer bluntly.

"How long have you know Steven?" He asks and I look around, confused.

"I don't know, a couple months. Why? Where is he?" I bite my lip to hold back any tears.

"Lana did Steven ever hur-" My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

"No, he would neve- No. He didn't." I straighten myself up a bit, as he nods slowly and jots some more in his notepad.

"Were you there? When Steven killed Mr. Je-"

"Yes, I was there."

"Steven said you weren't there and didn't know anything about it.".

"Why?" I question and he shrugs.

"I need you to be honest with me here, Lana. What exactly do you remember happening?" Detective Jacobs asks and I pull my eyebrows together.

"Well I... I was in the car and Hyde walked in to pay for the gas, then I heard the gunshot..." I trail off.

"Then what, Lana?"

I begin to cry. Like, a full in sob.

"He ran out, and he told me to stay in the car, then he drove off..." I wipe my face with the back of my hand, then sigh. "I was so scared and he made me feel safe." I ramble and he nods, his chin placed between his index finger, and his thumb.

"I see." He sighs and clears his throat once more. "Well, thank you, Lana. It was nice talking to you. I hope you get well soon." He stands and waves himself out of the room, then I'm left all by myself in the silent, but loud room.

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