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day two

I wake up the next morning tangled under the thin sheets.

I groan and sit up, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I notice a new pair of clothes sitting at the edge of my table.

I stand and change into the clothes, gray sweat pants and a gray sweater to match it.

I glance over at the bed across the room. It's accompanied not by an old woman or a young girl, instead by a woman who looks to be about Aunt Penny's age. She had blonde hair with brunette roots. It looks a tangled mess.

I shake my head and slowly open the door, making sure it doesn't creak so I don't wake Dorris.

I tip toe put the room and towards the bathroom when I'm stopped by a familiar voice.

"Bathroom?" Daisy asks behind me and I nod.

She nods as well and catches up to me.

"Do you guys really have to come in the bathroom with us?" I ask and she nods.

"It's the rules," She says before we dip inside and the first thing I notice is the stalls.

They're a dull pink color with no doors.

I sigh with my eyes closed.

"Go ahead, I won't look." She says softly and I side eye her as I slide in the stall and do my business.

I glance down at the empty toilet paper roll and I groan.

"Daisy I need toilet paper." I say and hear a squeak come from her.

She takes
a roll from the other stall then she covers her eyes and hands me the roll.

I half smile although she can't see me and take the roll.

I finished up and wash my hands, then we leave the bathroom.

"Hungry? I believe breakfast should be done soon." I shrug and follow her to the cafeteria.

The trip is eerily silent, as well as the cafeteria.

"The ladies aren't very talkative in the morning." She must've read my thoughts as she whispers to me.

I find an empty seat towards the back corner of the room and drop into the chair.

I sigh and look around, some are already eating while some are reading or smoking.

I sigh as a lady wearing an apron and hairnet walks up to me with a tray.

I smile up at the big woman as I take the tray from her hands and study the contents.

A beige cup is half empty with what I assume is orange juice, plastic white cutlery is wrapped in more clear plastic and the main dish is a tray of what looks like dog food or mush, and a few apples beside it.

I groan and rip open the plastic, poking the food with the fork.

It doesn't move much, so I take a drink of the orange juice, it's not too bad so I finish it.

I then stand and take the food to the trash where I dump the remnants and set my tray on top.

Without a word, I leave the cafeteria and head to the common room.

A small radio on a wooden table plays "Time of the Season" by the Zombies as I make my way over to join some of the girls, but stay silent.

I sit myself at the edge of the yellow couch and my mind wanders back to Eric's basement.

And then, I'm there. Hyde is too, and so is everyone else.

Smoke fills the room and I can't make out what anyone is saying, but we're happy.

I would kill to take those times back. I suddenly wince at my thoughts and my choice of words when I'm snapped out of my gaze.

"Hello?" A chubby lady snaps her fingers in my face and I move my head away from her hands.

"Wanna join?" She hols up a stack of playing cards and I look at the group around the table.

Half of the four are older ladies is graying hair and wrinkles.

The other, a think black haired girl with dark circles under her tennis ball eyes. And then, The Snapper. She's a pudgy lady with short black hair and a couple of tattoos.

A cigarette dangles from her chapped lips and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"Are you there?" She says quite rudely.

I shake my head and roll my eyes, then stand and walk off.

"Lana, you got a visitor." Daisy's voice chimes behind my and my head snaps in her direction.

"Me?" I question with a puzzled look and she nods with a soft smile.

I feel my inside race as I walk towards her and to an empty room.

The walls are blindingly white and nothing but a white table and a few chairs occupy the room.

"Have a seat, she'll be in shortly." Daisy smiles, them leaves the room but keeps the door wide open.

I sit and fidget with the sleeve of my sweater and wait for the arrival of my visitor.

Aunt Penny walks in, eyes red and puffy. Her hair is a tangled mess and she looks as if she hasn't slept for days. I don't blame her.

I rush to my feet as I stumble over them and pull her in for a hug.

I don't let go as I son into her shoulder as she caresses my hair with her hands.

"Lana.." She trails off, pulling away from me, sitting herself in the plastic chair.

I return myself to my previous position.

sweetheart ; steven hyde (discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt