Chapter 51

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I woke early to go check on the new babies and the still expecting mothers, once they were all taken care of it was time to scrape up some breakfast. I got eggs from the chickens, peppers from the garden, and a rabbit from a barely awake Uncle in the dining hall kitchen. I was quick to bring everything back to Arrow and Jess, Arrow greeting me at the door let me know Jess was still sleeping. First I took the healthy rabbit and gutted it outside, which Arrow was more than happy about as I tossed him his breakfast. I cut the meat up to cook easier over the wood stove, for that reason I still preferred an actual fire over the tiny stove. 

Once that was cooking I got to work cutting up the peppers and cooking them down some before pouring the eggs in on top, scrambling everything together nicely. As usual the smell of food woke Jess up and brought her to the kitchen, and I happily served up her rabbit and eggs on a plate. "So are you excited for your date today?" Jess squeaked eagerly. "Wow, and here I thought you would ask about the baby goats first. I checked them earlier and they are all doing well by the way." I scoffed back as I stabbed at a piece of egg with my fork and shoved it into my mouth pointedly. "But you have to be a little excited for your date right?" Jess pleads, I can't help but sigh at her persistence.

 "I don't know Jess, it's the first one I've ever had. I'm not sure what to expect but I guess I am a bit curious." I shrugged out. "Curious is not as good as excited but it is better than uninterested so I'll take it! He's picking you up after you train right? What are you going to wear?!" Jess was back to eager squeals. I had a small argument over the fact that dresses were useless so I didn't own any and she scolded me for not being prepared for a date if I ever was asked. She finally shoved my best pair of jeans at me along with a dark blue t-shirt she owned that was a bit too tight for my liking. "Can't I have another shirt that doesn't look like I turned into a bimbo wannabe?" I whined out, the material was warm and soft but clung to me almost like a second skin. 

"No, you look cute and I don't care if it gets a little dirty from you training." She grinned back and I bit my lip from growling my annoyance at the little matchmaker. I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows before hurrying to the Toma house to train before she could find some other thing to shove at me. "Cupcake?" Luke squeaked out on my arrival drawing the attention of Kayli, Brandon, North and Raven in my direction. "Little bird, why are you dressed up like you want to f*** someone?" Raven's question rang out and stopped me in my tracks as I glared back at him. "Because Jess is evil! I am about two seconds away from shooting anyone that pisses me off, that includes ANY of you!" I snarled out.

 "Angry is good for training but I think two brothers will be out today." Raven stated as he nodded to where North and Luke were just staring at me. "Right now I don't really care, I just need to hit something before I take out my aggression on Silas during our date." I growled as I set my bow down and motioned Raven to get on with the training. "Your going on a date with Silas, no wonder you look adorable!" Kayli cooed from the porch and I sent her a silent death glare. "Raven." I growled before he tackled me to the dirt, starting our aggressive training match for the day. I took out my anger on him as we sparred and I displayed my skills in the new tactics he'd shown me. 

By the time the two hours were up I was much calmer and unluckily the shirt had not been ruined, there wasn't even any dirt on it after Kayli brushed me off. I surrendered to allow her to redo my hair in a ponytail for me and then Silas showed up. "Ready to go Aggele mou?" Silas called as he scanned me up and down, my scowl told him not to mention my outfit. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and an old tank top, he had no idea how lucky he was not bunking with a little matchmaker. "Let's just go before I change my mind." I sigh back as I follow his lead away from the others. 

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