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~5 months later~

Maddie POV

~trail 1 day 1~Everything had been going good. The baby is doing better but it's still going to come out early. I hope it makes it.... But if it doesn't. I don't know how I'm going to feel. My hand if better so I'm not wearing this brace thingy.... And for a pregnant lady I'm not that big. The divorce is almost final. I can't wait! But today is the frist day of the trial on James. I'm scared and nervous. Taylor Ray Rockelle Ej Roc and Nia are meeting us there. Me Prince and Issy are on the way to the courthouse now. When we got there me Prince and Bella sat on one side with our lawyer and James and his sat on the other side.

Officer: All rise

We all rise as the officer introduced the judge. Then we sat down. After about 20 mintues they started calling people to the stand. Issy was frist. Issy walked up to the stand with her blue dress on with flowers on them with blue converes. She wanted to wear them. She sat down and looked at me and Prince. I could tell she was scared.

??: ok sweetie can you please tell us what happened when James and your mommy were together?

Issy: well it all started the day my daddy was in a coma after being hit by a truck. When we got home I heard my mom screaming. Yelling help and stop. I didn't know what was going on. But I was to scared to get up and see what was happening. When I woke up the next day my mommy had marks and dark spots all on her body. She wouldn't tell me what happened... But I knew James had to do them. He repeatly hit my mommy in front of me and yelled at her.

??: did he ever touch you?

Issy: yes.

Prince: WHAT!

Maddie: Prince calm down! I'll tell you about it later.

Prince was pissed when we heard James had touched Issy. I forgot to tell him that. He looked like he wanted to strangle James. He sat back down and looked at me.

??: can you tell us what happened?

Issy: well me and my mommy had to sneak to go see my daddy. James didn't want us to see him. But James found out we were there and when we got home mommy told me to go upstairs. I went upstairs and 1 mintue later James came in and hit me. I screamed and my mom evenly came up and hit him. And he fell asleep.

I looked over at Prince who was breathing heavily and his leg was shaking. I could tell he wanted to kill James. But we controlled himself.

??: see your Omer this proves that James was very abuseive to his wife but to his wife's daughter to. It's against the law for a man to hit his wife and his chirlden. And let's not forget that Isabella isn't his child. Do you have her broth cerifictc Madison?

Maddie: yes I do.

I handed my lawyer the cerfic and the judge looked at it.

Judge: Isabella Maria Perez. Beautiful name. Parents Madison T. Welch and Jacob A. Perez. Born June 27 and 2:27 pm. Ok thank you. Isabella you may go and sit down.

??: we now call Bella to the stand.

Bella got up and walked to the stand. She put her hand in the bible and swear she would tell the truth.

??: ok we understand that you and Mr.James had a plan correct?

Bella: yea we did.

??: can you tell us the plan?

Bella: well the plan was to get Madison and Jacob away from eachother by Madison cheating on Jacob with James and Jacob cheating on Madison with me. Then once they broke up we would become there newest boyfriend and girlfriend.

Life Is HardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora