Basketball Game

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~3 weeks later~

Maddie POV

Mario: Let's go wildcats!!

Lily: let's go number 23!!!

Jenn: let's go bell let's go!!!

I smiled and prince hugged me. We were at Issy's First game. And she the point guard. I have to say for little people they were good. The score was 10 to 2 Issy had scored 5 points and it was 4th quarter. My little baby is good. After 4th quarter was over Issy ran to us.

Issy: we won we won we won!!

Lily: that's mostly because of you!!

Issy: I know.

Lily: you did great!

Issy: I couldn't do it without your cheering!

They both put there leg over there other leg flipped there hair and looked at eachother.

Issy&Lily: stop it.

I smiled and looked at Prince.

Maddie: there to much.

Prince: they are your kids

Issy's coach came over to us.

Ms.Blow: hi Mr. And Mrs. Perez.. Isabella is doing really good this season and even tho this season just started I'd like to push her up to the next level. She very talented.
I looked at prince and he looked at me.

Prince: what age group would she be playing with then?

Ms.Blow: 5-6

Maddie: we'll defenilty think about it. I think he's just scared because the girls will be much bigger then Isabella. He doesn't want her to get hurt.

Ms.Blow: and I understand but think about it and if you think it's not for her I understand just now there will always be a spot for her on this team.

And with that she walked away

Issy: can we eat now!!

Jenn: yea please!!!

Mario: I'm hungry!!

Prince: they always hungry.

Maddie: come on.

We got up. Issy was on my back Lily held my hand and Prince carried both Mario and Jenn.

??: aww you guys are so cute

I smiled and we got into the car. We recently got a van. So when. We all go out like on a family outing we don't have to take 2 cars😂 Everybody strapped up and Prince started driving. I turned in the TVs to keep them busy. We arrived at Wendy's and everybody got something to eat and we all got frostys. Then we started driving home. When we got there we sat on the coach watching tv. Me and Prince cuddled up Lily and Issy sat next to eachother with twins sitting in the floor. We watched tv. Prince hand slowly creeped up to my area. He slowly put his hand in playing with my clit. I gasped not trying to moan because the kids are right here.

Prince: you like that mami?

I nodded and he laughed still playing with me. We ended up falling asleep right there together as a family. God I love my family.
Awe there such a cute family!!! Love yall stay mindless!!

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