Tour/Jail Time

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Maddie POV

Prince: babe don't cry.

Maddie: but Ima miss you so much.

Issy: me too dad!

Mario: me too mom!!

Jenn: me 3

Lily: me 4th

Anna: Ima miss you Prince.

We did one group hug then pulled away. Prince smiled then stepped out the door closing it as he leaved. The kids looked at the door then at me.

Mario: when is he coming back ma?

Maddie: in another 2-3 months

Jenn: but that's too long!

Maddie: don't worry. We'll visit him and he'll visit us.

Lily: you promise?

Maddie: yea sweetie.

Issy: pinky promise?

Maddie: pinky promise.

I rapped my finger around Issy's and then started making breakfast for everyone. Anna helped me.

Maddie: Issy Lily! One of you feed Vanilla.

Lily: I'll do it!

I smiled while still making breakfast. I am going to miss prince.

Princeton POV

Prince: so we back on the bus again.

Roc: yea I remember our first tour.

Ray: me too. We was like 14.

Prod: we've came a long way.

Prince: yea.

EJ: I'm glad you agreed to come with us prod.

Prod: o yea yall will always be my brothers. Plus I know you need some help with them cuz they be irky sometimes.

EJ: I know. How you deal with it?

Prod: that's a Mystery to us all.

We laughed then Ray's phone rang. He answered it then everyone else phone rang. I looked at mine. ~Maddie~ I answered looked at the guys who were talking to thee girlfriends/wife's also.

Prince: hello?

Maddie: hey prince hey.

Prince: you said that twice.

Maddie: I know shutup.

Prince: I miss you.

Maddie: you just leaved like 2 hours ago

Prince: and thats 2 hours too long.

Maddie: wow prince. You know you always had a way with words.

Prince: I always had a way in the bed. *smirk*

Maddie: I can feel you smriking through the phone and your a freak

Prince: but you love me.


Prince: right you can't even lie about that.

Maddie: prince I gotta go. I love you.

Prince: I love you too.

Maddie POV

I hunged up getting my keys.

Maddie: Anna I'm leaving.

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